View Full Version : MAGAZINES
12-12-2013, 02:58 AM
You cant believe all what you read in some magazines today can you.
12-12-2013, 03:42 AM
Fairly broad opening statement. More to come?
Paul Wilkinson
12-12-2013, 04:24 AM
You cant believe all what you read in some magazines today can you.
You're dead right, I was promised brighter whites and softer fabric. Buggered if I can see or feel the difference....
12-12-2013, 06:07 AM
Cant believe everything you read on this forum either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-12-2013, 06:59 AM
Wow......that was interesting..
Racer Rog
12-12-2013, 07:09 AM
I am afraid I will have to get out the enigma machine out again and do a course in cryptololgy to understand this tread, and as most of us here know, there are lies, damm lies and then the printed word, the interweb is full of bullshit and porn, but the truth is out there, now beam me up Scotty!
John B
12-12-2013, 10:53 AM
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is ... 42
12-12-2013, 05:50 PM
12-12-2013, 06:24 PM
Now Boys, don't be unkind. I THINK the answer CUSTAXIE was looking for here was.........wait for it.......NO.
Do I detect a little levity creeping into the Roaring season......... LoL...
levity, is that when you throw the car at the corner?
12-12-2013, 07:30 PM
No no, that's poverty........the state you are in after you have repaired the damage.
Grant Ellwood
12-12-2013, 07:57 PM
No no, that's poverty........the state you are in after you have repaired the damage.
No no Amco72, that's puberty.........the state you are in after you have damaged your repros.
12-12-2013, 08:53 PM
When clearing up fathers estate I found a magazine, it still had six rounds in it too.
12-12-2013, 09:04 PM
Perhaps he is referring to the graffiti on the walls of the Magazines on Godley Head?
12-12-2013, 10:22 PM
Oldfart, I thought you would be dragging us all back into line for straying from the subject of the thread..........what subject?
Please refer to post #1.
This has got me beat. I used to be able to translate Jims compositions relatively easily..........but !!!!!
Jim, perhaps you could help us out here as we seem to be floundering around in the dark.
John B
12-12-2013, 11:27 PM
I certainly don't believe everything I read in magazines. I once read that there were articles written in Playboy Magazine, but I've never been able to find one!
Penthouse Magazine also once made the same erroneous claim. Again, after many years of looking, I've never managed to find a single one.
12-12-2013, 11:38 PM
John, you need to progress beyond the centrefold to find them
John B
12-12-2013, 11:44 PM
We must thank CUSTAXIE50 for starting this thread ... it's both insightful and entertaining!
12-13-2013, 12:28 AM
Perhaps he is referring to the graffiti on the walls of the Magazines on Godley Head?
Taking a shot in the dark but perhaps he has evidence that suggests that Kilroy had not been there
12-13-2013, 12:35 AM
Got called away as i was about to put this story up, by a phone call from those out there who deal with cancer so it was a long day ,and was not in the mood at what i see has been put up here.
12-13-2013, 12:55 AM
Ah well, there you go. I knew we would get shot down sooner or later. Was fun while it lasted.......
Just like to wish everyone a happy Christmas, and maybe we will catch at a meeting some time soon.
John B
12-13-2013, 01:03 AM
No worries CUSTAXIE50 - this thread has been entertaining.
And it achieved a new record ... 23 posts about absolutely nothing!!!
12-13-2013, 09:27 PM
No worries CUSTAXIE50 - this thread has been entertaining.
And it achieved a new record ... 23 posts about absolutely nothing!!!
Make that 24
John McKechnie
12-13-2013, 10:00 PM
CUSTAXIE50- so what was in the mag that prompted you to start this thread, can you tell us please?
Trevor Sheffield
12-14-2013, 12:40 AM
You cant believe all what you read in some magazines today can you.
May have been cut short, but even so an excellent, pertinent observation and a worthy post..
Forums are cluttered with invalid advice, provided by so called experts, who read only from magazines and even then only the advertisements. These numb skulls always claim to know the absolute facts, and the like minded agree with them and add to the ongoing fantasies. LOL
Steve Emson
12-14-2013, 02:52 AM
“Pay special attention to evidence that contradicts your beliefs”
John B
12-14-2013, 12:17 PM
“Pay special attention to evidence that contradicts your beliefs”
...yes, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
12-16-2013, 11:55 PM
CUSTAXIE50- so what was in the mag that prompted you to start this thread, can you tell us please? Dont know if you have nz classic car march 2010,if you do have it did you read the story on page 63 put up by Helen and Denis Le Cren on the re birth of the Custaxie.Dont know where they got that story from do you,also Don Anderson from classic driver has got it wrong a number of times also,dont they do there home work first.
John McKechnie
12-17-2013, 02:13 AM
Dont have that issue, but...
OK- try this...
Classic Driver Aug/Sept 2012 Issue 44, page 12-
Allan Dick states Norm Shepherd bought the engineless Custaxie shortly after the series and fitted a side valve motor, seats, head and taillamps and used it on the road.
Des Hammill states it had a Y-block., also Gen Walmesley knows a lot more-mate of Kevin and Croydon.
How accurate are these 2 would you say,please?
12-17-2013, 02:42 AM
Dont know if you have nz classic car march 2010,if you do have it did you read the story on page 63 put up by Helen and Denis Le Cren on the re birth of the Custaxie.Dont know where they got that story from do you,also Don Anderson from classic driver has got it wrong a number of times also,dont they do there home work first.
As I suspect that most of us don't have that article, are you able to put it up for us to read. And I am NOT taking the piss when I say that you seem to be very close to the original car, so perhaps you might post the corrections you believe to be more correct. In this way we will get what you think is correct for future reference.
12-17-2013, 07:00 AM
Dont have that issue, but...
OK- try this...
Classic Driver Aug/Sept 2012 Issue 44, page 12-
Allan Dick states Norm Shepherd bought the engineless Custaxie shortly after the series and fitted a side valve motor, seats, head and taillamps and used it on the road.
Des Hammill states it had a Y-block., also Gen Walmesley knows a lot more-mate of Kevin and Croydon.
How accurate are these 2 would you say,please? Dont know what Allan Dick may have said in 2012,will just have to take your word for it.Dont know who Des or gen are,may have seen the names of kevin and Croydon in nz HotRod.
12-18-2013, 03:25 AM
Dont have that issue, but...
OK- try this...
Classic Driver Aug/Sept 2012 Issue 44, page 12-
Allan Dick states Norm Shepherd bought the engineless Custaxie shortly after the series and fitted a side valve motor, seats, head and taillamps and used it on the road.
Des Hammill states it had a Y-block., also Gen Walmesley knows a lot more-mate of Kevin and Croydon.
How accurate are these 2 would you say,please?
Very accurate John. I worked with Norm and Engine Rebuilders in Union Street Auckland when he had it as a road car with the flat head V8 in it....I may have already said this on another thread but we used to howl around Queen Street in it......I remember hanging on to the roll cage in the back...(only had two front seats)... as we drew straws who would ride in the front. Great days........I had a 34' Ford flathead at the time and used to "Smoke " the MCConnachie brothers off until they put a 272 Y block into their '34. ..........AND yes the Custaxie then got a Y block 272 (original type of motor the car came out with from factory...) and Cooza Thompson ..(Croydens brother dragged it down at Wiri...) Don't know what happened to it after that because Cooza fell off the scene (after 44 gallon drums of peanut oil went missing and he took the fall....the story goes..)... But Robbie did tell me it ended up at the tip buried along with all sorts of other good stuff in those days. Damn shame really. But YES I can confirm AD does write fact in this story. See ya soon....Kindest regards Tony Rutherford. P.S. Custaxie...I will see if I can find that mag you speak of mate. Hate shoddy reporting myself but I guess by the time some of these reporters get their knowledge it's better than the original we started! Merry Christmas folk.
12-18-2013, 07:24 AM
Very accurate John. I worked with Norm and Engine Rebuilders in Union Street Auckland when he had it as a road car with the flat head V8 in it....I may have already said this on another thread but we used to howl around Queen Street in it......I remember hanging on to the roll cage in the back...(only had two front seats)... as we drew straws who would ride in the front. Great days........I had a 34' Ford flathead at the time and used to "Smoke " the MCConnachie brothers off until they put a 272 Y block into their '34. ..........AND yes the Custaxie then got a Y block 272 (original type of motor the car came out with from factory...) and Cooza Thompson ..(Croydens brother dragged it down at Wiri...) Don't know what happened to it after that because Cooza fell off the scene (after 44 gallon drums of peanut oil went missing and he took the fall....the story goes..)... But Robbie did tell me it ended up at the tip buried along with all sorts of other good stuff in those days. Damn shame really. But YES I can confirm AD does write fact in this story. See ya soon....Kindest regards Tony Rutherford. P.S. Custaxie...I will see if I can find that mag you speak of mate. Hate shoddy reporting myself but I guess by the time some of these reporters get their knowledge it's better than the original we started! Merry Christmas folk. Whats norms Family name.
Jac Mac
12-18-2013, 07:54 AM
Shepherd according to post #30 above
12-18-2013, 08:14 AM
Shepherd according to post #30 above No post 33.
John McKechnie
12-18-2013, 06:08 PM
#30 - Norm Shepherd bought the engineless Custaxie
12-18-2013, 07:22 PM
I gather we are not going to get to see the article which started this thread with corrections?
Jac Mac
12-18-2013, 08:43 PM
Right Custaxie 50, I went upstairs & found the article in question in that issue of classic car, Sooo what part of the article is not correct?... & before anyone else ask's, no I dont have a scanner:)
12-18-2013, 10:32 PM
[QUOTE=Jac Mac;36484]Right Custaxie 50, I went upstairs & found the article in question in that issue of classic car, Sooo what part of the article is not correct?... & before anyone else ask's, no I dont have a scanner:)[/QUOTE Robbie getting his hands on custaxie 1 again.
Jac Mac
12-18-2013, 10:44 PM
[QUOTE=Jac Mac;36484]Right Custaxie 50, I went upstairs & found the article in question in that issue of classic car, Sooo what part of the article is not correct?... & before anyone else ask's, no I dont have a scanner:)[/QUOTE Robbie getting his hands on custaxie 1 again.
So this would be the paragraph that your raising doubts about,
( When the car eventually reappeared, it had been severely cut and much was missing. The current owner had many customlines and expressed an interest in restoring the Custaxi. When asked for his help with a possible restoration, Robbie said that only he could do this as only he knew the car well enough to do the job. As a result, Robbie purchased the car himself. Peter Talley and John Miller then persuaded him to bring the legend back to life ----------{ perhaps this sentence should also be included}----------"they began with half a car, back body only- no front and no doors. ).
Can I assume that you would like to correct some of the above?
12-18-2013, 11:14 PM
Very accurate John. I worked with Norm and Engine Rebuilders in Union Street Auckland when he had it as a road car with the flat head V8 in it....I may have already said this on another thread but we used to howl around Queen Street in it......I remember hanging on to the roll cage in the back...(only had two front seats)... as we drew straws who would ride in the front. Great days........I had a 34' Ford flathead at the time and used to "Smoke " the MCConnachie brothers off until they put a 272 Y block into their '34. ..........AND yes the Custaxie then got a Y block 272 (original type of motor the car came out with from factory...) and Cooza Thompson ..(Croydens brother dragged it down at Wiri...) Don't know what happened to it after that because Cooza fell off the scene (after 44 gallon drums of peanut oil went missing and he took the fall....the story goes..)... But Robbie did tell me it ended up at the tip buried along with all sorts of other good stuff in those days. Damn shame really. But YES I can confirm AD does write fact in this story. See ya soon....Kindest regards Tony Rutherford. P.S. Custaxie...I will see if I can find that mag you speak of mate. Hate shoddy reporting myself but I guess by the time some of these reporters get their knowledge it's better than the original we started! Merry Christmas folk. You said i worked with norm and engine rebuilders in union street auckland, when he had it as a road car with the flat head V8 in it etc-etc,so norm was a mate of yours.What was his full name could you tell me that thanks.
08-06-2014, 01:34 AM
Sorry mate haven't been on site for a while. Yes his name is Norm Shepherd.....he has moved out of Auckland and I hear he resides in Taranaki now. Unsure exactly where sorry. Hard case Ginga bloke as memory would have it! Allan Dick was speaking with him and he was going to make contact with me......I will try and find Allan's e mail and see if I can find out for you. Regards, Tony Rutherford.
08-06-2014, 04:06 AM
Sorry mate haven't been on site for a while. Yes his name is Norm Shepherd.....he has moved out of Auckland and I hear he resides in Taranaki now. Unsure exactly where sorry. Hard case Ginga bloke as memory would have it! Allan Dick was speaking with him and he was going to make contact with me......I will try and find Allan's e mail and see if I can find out for you. Regards, Tony Rutherford. This is a new one on me Tony.
08-13-2014, 12:10 AM
POST #42.......Just a late answer from this mate............quite late though. Sorry . Tony Rutherford.
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