View Full Version : Julian Walls from Carmagreviews

06-13-2011, 11:14 PM
Hi - I am Julian from www.carmagreviews.co.nz I have produced since 2006 on line a Detailed summary of contents on NZ Automotive magazines

And from Publication date 1947 -2005 a detailed index of many of worlds car magazines from cover to cover (no just reading the contents here) I covered almost everything in magazine not only articles and tests but as also event reports (like racing); letters to the editor and anything unusual for sale - I offer a free reference service
For example I indexed June 1956 Motorsport UK to around 2001

Looks like a great site - I see lots of potential Steve
Cheers Julian

06-14-2011, 02:05 PM
Julian,welcome aboard you have achieved what I only thought about,I have accumulated over 15000 Automotive Magazines,all nicely plastic bagged,9/10 condition in most case's,people when they find out call me (all sort's of things!!) a collector which is not true, I purchased them as a form of reference,they now reside in thier on 20ft container (not allowed to have them in the house!) A dealer rang me once to ask me if they were for sale......"yep!!,you buy the lot at 3$'s each,take them away"!!!:D

"Bullshit!!,you know how much that is ???...$45K,I'm Not Paying that much'!!....I reminded him that I regularly purchased 2nd hand mags from him ranging from $7-$12 on an average..........also remined him that a new magazine on the Newstand exceeded $12 plus,promoting 'Nostalgia, he subjested I would die with them and offered me a $1 each........well ofcourse they are still tucked up in the 20ft'r and I'm not'dead Yet.......welcome,I look forward to scanning you website.................regards thunder427/MJ:)

Steve Holmes
06-14-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi there Julian, welcome to the site, its great to have you here.