View Full Version : HMC Build Thread: 70 Mustang PDL Replica
09-03-2013, 04:56 AM
This is more of a rebuild build, Purchase from John Watkins in California he had it built by a Kiwi living in Modesto, Ca about 8 years ago and raced it at NorCal Shelby open track events at Somona and Thunderhill, he hasn't used it much since he purchased other race cars. It came available several months back and is now in my shop getting stripped out, rollcage fitted and other specs to meet HMC rules, it will be done as a PDL replica. Will post further pics and details as the build goes but hope to have it ready for Januarys Festival. Dale M
09-03-2013, 05:02 AM
Pic taken today the side stripes have been removed and new 15X9 Minilites ftted with the HMC spec Hoosier tyre, off to the panelbeaters next week to have the fenders flared then strip out the interior for the rollcage. Dale M
09-03-2013, 06:21 AM
What about Wayne, no mention of the old bugger and he was the only one working on it today Dale! No mention or photo of those trick rear springs that Pete and I cottoned on to either!!! Come on now.........
Steve Holmes
09-03-2013, 08:22 PM
What about Wayne, no mention of the old bugger and he was the only one working on it today Dale! No mention or photo of those trick rear springs that Pete and I cottoned on to either!!! Come on now.........
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Steve Holmes
09-03-2013, 08:26 PM
Cool thread Dale, and a neat car to do a tribute on. Here is a shot of the original, for inspiration.
09-03-2013, 09:21 PM
A bit more inspiration......Perry Drury Launceston pics ( (
09-19-2013, 11:54 PM
Have all the Mustang stripped out from the steering wheel back, doing the misc engineering work, waiting for the steel to start on the rollcage and then off to the beaters for some flares and then paintwork!!
The rear underside shows no tricks what so ever!!
Dale M
09-20-2013, 12:24 AM
Isn't dynamat fun to get off?!!! Weighs a ton too, bloody horrible stuff! :rolleyes:
09-20-2013, 01:07 AM
Isn't dynamat fun to get off?!!! Weighs a ton too, bloody horrible stuff! :rolleyes:
Ain't that the truth Conrod, sticks like s#*t to a blanket!! the only way I can remove it is to peel the paint of with it!! :(
Rod Grimwood
09-20-2013, 01:19 AM
Thank god Dale, never had a s#*t that bad. Yea it is a painful job, and law of averages you stab your hand at some stage.
Thats a real nice looking car, must be great to start with a nice clean one like that. Maybe if you can find enough cars you can do one for each colour the original was, that would fill your field up.
Rod Grimwood
09-20-2013, 01:27 AM
Couple more photos of days gone past
09-20-2013, 09:07 AM
Couple more photos of days gone past
Thats is a great side on shot of the PDL in orange Rod, never seen that one before!! can you E-mail it direct to me at
Thanks Dale M
09-20-2013, 09:36 PM
Can you run those discs on rear in HMC or does it have to go back to drum
Do you have to mount the rear shocks staggered as per an original Boss
Looks to be a very nice solid body.
Look fwd to seeing it with PDL signage.
09-22-2013, 02:50 AM
Can you run those discs on rear in HMC or does it have to go back to drum
Do you have to mount the rear shocks staggered as per an original Boss
Looks to be a very nice solid body.
Look fwd to seeing it with PDL signage.
Ellis, rear disc are allowed due to the fact they used them "period" but calipers must be a 2 piece lug mount design to be historically correct(not Mono block or radial mount) the rear(and front) shocks must be in the original position whether staggered or not as that body shell came with both options.
I knew this Mustang from 20 years ago sitting in a guys back yard, original paint California car so the body was great, the car was just worn out, I never quite step up for it back then($4K) but then 10 years ago John Watkins bought it and had Kiwi Rex Kelland do the build, which I followed every time in was in the US, once John started racing other vehicles he didn't use it for some years and I always told him I'd buy it when he was ready to sell, that day came several months back!!
I always had the idea of a PDL signage replica rather than a Parnelli car, means more here in NZ.
Dale M
John McKechnie
09-22-2013, 03:18 AM
This PDL signage does it for me every time Dale, its a car we all saw , loved then and we will love this replica.
who/ what is Parnelli to us anyway, he never came here.
Rod Grimwood
09-22-2013, 03:43 AM
John don't be so rude,
He gave his name to a NZ Legend in the square edge Firestone tyre that had big white writing on it and skidded at the site of rain, they were good because they were wide and you did not need much grunt to skid them in the damp. Mind you they did make a good Waikaraka tyre for saloons with the width and open tread.
09-22-2013, 03:47 AM
Thanks for reply Dale...not too many structural changes to make then
PDL livery in NZ any/every was even well known in OZ
Keep the progress pics coming
09-22-2013, 04:03 AM
John don't be so rude,
He gave his name to a NZ Legend in the square edge Firestone tyre that had big white writing on it and skidded at the site of rain, they were good because they were wide and you did not need much grunt to skid them in the damp. Mind you they did make a good Waikaraka tyre for saloons with the width and open tread.
Ha Ha Ha, so funny and oh so true Rod, I had a set on the rear of a hotted up MK 1 Zephyr I owned in the mid 70's, 4 spd inline shifter, triple carbs etc, you guys know the deal!! and boy I thought they were COOL, offcourse been a teenager it could skid them up which was hip but damn dangerous, I remember spinning out coming up the west side of the Kaimais in the wet one night, didn't even know who Parnelli Jones was but those big white letters were magic, spit on the tyres though and it was all over, LOL!! sold the Z-car before I destroyed it which the next owner did.
Dale M
09-22-2013, 07:21 AM
There is the odd flash of the PDL in this Youtube Clip
Whose is the Camaro #6 carrying the Wattie's advertising and the kiwi signage ?
Rod Grimwood
09-22-2013, 10:53 PM
Dale, years back did same in a Mk3 Cortina (Aussie 6 model) with a 289 in it, on motorway in 4th, drizzle, driver feeds in right hand peddle and slowly start putting on left lock as back slids to inside of camber. This was common. They actually were not too bad in dry with high pressure. Square shoulder buggered them.
How many times you replace rear axles in Mk1 Dale.
John McKechnie
09-22-2013, 11:34 PM
Sounds like PDL wins hands down giving more pleasure than dodgy square shouldered tyres.
09-23-2013, 10:13 PM
Whose is the Camaro #6 carrying the Wattie's advertising and the kiwi signage ?
GD66, I think you`ll find Dennis Marwood had Watties on his Camaro for a while. I think I`ve got a photo of it somewhere with it on but it was #25 from memory.
10-18-2013, 01:35 AM
Just back from the panelbeaters with fender flares done, Rollcage next!! lucky I aint got NO life!! Dale M
Robert Bailey
10-18-2013, 02:18 AM
Looks great,IMO the Goodyear blue streaks look ideal on a Boss 302 style .
10-18-2013, 03:18 AM
That's going to be a great looking car Dale. Any timelines in place since you are working full tilt. LOL
Steve Holmes
10-18-2013, 04:26 AM
Wow, that looks great! Can't believe how much tougher it looks with those wheels and the flares. John might want it back when he sees these pics Dale!
11-11-2013, 01:54 AM
Rollcage is slowly inching forward. Dale M
11-19-2013, 10:04 PM
Rollcage is slowly inching forward. Dale M
Dale, Get rid of all that dynamat! Or is this a new way to handicap cars for
11-20-2013, 08:03 AM
Dale, Get rid of all that dynamat! Or is this a new way to handicap cars for
I tell yar Kyle, that shit is hard to get off!! found using the heat gun works but still a friggen lot of scrapping to move it!!
Dale M :)
Rod Grimwood
11-21-2013, 02:39 AM
I tell yar Kyle, that shit is hard to get off!! found using the heat gun works but still a friggen lot of scrapping to move it!!
Dale M :)
That 'shit' is the word Dale, discussed this before.
11-21-2013, 05:17 AM
Even my worker Wayne refuse's to scrap it off as he started, curse and swearing and gave up, LOL so yeah "shit" it is!!
Now, lets see what happens here as its rollcage/log book time so it took all the pics, done all the paperwork and E-mailed them to MSNZ Saturday(18th) had an Email reply Monday and posted the originals Monday also they, took my $$$ Wednesday and i'll wait and see how long it takes?? will be interesting? with some of the issues others have had in the past :)
Dale M
11-21-2013, 07:03 AM
Holy crap batman, just got home and the log book with rollcage approval was in the mail(you guys know the type, snail mail) so thats 4 days counting me mailing the original copies monday or 6 days if i count my Emailed copies, thats friggen stunning guys!! nuff said!! i need a drink!!
Dale M
11-21-2013, 09:22 AM
You must have sent it via Len Brown Dale, because the other professional time waster in Wellington hasn`t had any exposure...... yet!
11-21-2013, 08:53 PM
The car looks fantastic, Dale. Have you spoken to the Dunedin owner of PDL1 about your car? Being old and senile, I remember when Graham Baker left the country, another OSCA driver took over his truck wrecking yard in Blenheim Rd. I went in there and there were racks of bonnets, the moulds for the later rear flares and lots of other mustang parts lying around. (as well as parts for Graham's FM5) I spoke to Wayne a couple of years ago about where the parts went, and he felt that they were thrown out. Shame.
Doug Rudy
11-25-2013, 05:28 PM
Car does look great! Cage looks superb. One thing that I noticed on the old race car is that there was no exhaust coming out the side. And on your car I see a set of mufflers under the car. One thing you may consider is cutting out the floor on the passenger side and making room to tuck two pipes up in there. Will give you the ability to get the ride height nice and low. I expect you will be doing some kind of subframe connectors and one those are in it is a lot harder to cut up the floor. Just a thought.
Grant Ellwood
11-25-2013, 09:46 PM
Hey Dale, did you Tig or Mig your cage?
11-26-2013, 03:48 AM
Car does look great! Cage looks superb. One thing that I noticed on the old race car is that there was no exhaust coming out the side. And on your car I see a set of mufflers under the car. One thing you may consider is cutting out the floor on the passenger side and making room to tuck two pipes up in there. Will give you the ability to get the ride height nice and low. I expect you will be doing some kind of subframe connectors and one those are in it is a lot harder to cut up the floor. Just a thought.
Great minds think alike Doug, this did have flowmasters with turn downs under the car, they always blow up the dust and not legal over here but older cars can get a permit so I've cut the floor to raise it and the side exhaust is mounted with NASCAR flat muffler, lots of work but well worth it. Dale M
11-26-2013, 03:50 AM
Hey Dale, did you Tig or Mig your cage?
Both Grant but mainly "mig" welded and "tig'd" were it can be seen!! southward seamless tube is the standard for rollcages these days. Its a nice job and once painted and interior back in it will look like it was made for the car.
Dale M
Grant Ellwood
11-26-2013, 11:45 PM
Both Grant but mainly "mig" welded and "tig'd" were it can be seen!! southward seamless tube is the standard for rollcages these days. Its a nice job and once painted and interior back in it will look like it was made for the car.
Dale M
Just checking Dale, I have a Mig but not very skilled, old school nickel bronze welding guy. However, about to build a roll cage for my Anglia and if a Tig makes a better job I would be Happy to switch.
11-27-2013, 03:47 AM
Even my worker Wayne refuse's to scrap it off as he started, curse and swearing and gave up, LOL so yeah "shit" it is!!
Dale M
Try crushed dry ice in a plastic garbage bag, sit it on the section you want to remove for a couple of minutes then (hopefully) it will chip off.
11-27-2013, 03:55 AM
Try crushed dry ice in a plastic garbage bag, sit it on the section you want to remove for a couple of minutes then (hopefully) it will chip off.
A CO2 fire extinguisher has the same effect but generally for small areas. Bit expensive but it does the trick, then just chip it off.
11-27-2013, 07:45 AM
Just checking Dale, I have a Mig but not very skilled, old school nickel bronze welding guy. However, about to build a roll cage for my Anglia and if a Tig makes a better job I would be Happy to switch.
Yes Grant, a TIG will do a nicer job but is alot slower and off-course if the tubing is "Moly" it has to be Tigged anyway!!
Guys, i found a heat gun done the job, softened it up to scrape it of but was still a sticky shitty job either way!!LOL
Dale M
John McKechnie
11-27-2013, 08:34 AM
I have just done the same. Now clean it with KUMKLEEN then wire wheel when dry.
Rod Grimwood
11-27-2013, 09:02 AM
John, kids read this sometimes.
12-16-2013, 07:04 AM
Back from the painters today, NOW, to piece it together in the next month :) Dale M
Rod Grimwood
12-16-2013, 07:36 AM
Yep, that does it alright, bloody nice. Be neat to see it with stickers etc.
12-16-2013, 08:14 AM
Yep, that does it alright, bloody nice. Be neat to see it with stickers etc.
Sure will Rod, my sign guys are in my unit complex so i'll have them start end of this week, we want it looking like the PDL. Current wheels ain't correct, just to roll it around on!! Looks like X-Mas day is the only day im havin off, LOL
Dale M
Isn't it amazing how many photo's of our wonderful saloon car past have been taken featuring that very same concrete block wall as a background at Pukekohe !!!
The old Tote building also features SO often... ( now sadly gone )
OH be still my beating heart !!! those minilite wheels , the flares , it's just too much for me.....
Superb and amazing doesn't even begin to describe it
12-23-2013, 04:02 AM
At the sign writers today, almost done and looking GOOD!! Dale M
12-23-2013, 06:41 AM
Holy cow that car look magnificent - hard to tell it from the original which will never grace our circuits again in this guise. A thoroughly great job -my shutter finger is getting twitchy just looking at it.
12-23-2013, 06:53 AM
Kiwiboss - It will be done as a PDL replica.
Why the additional advertising Dale. Don't recall original having Health House on it. Are they going to sponsor the "series" for HMC. Apart from that she looks a picture. Look forward to seeing her at the Festival.
Cheers Dave Graham
12-23-2013, 07:09 AM
Kiwiboss - It will be done as a PDL replica.
Why the additional advertising Dale. Don't recall original having Health House on it. Are they going to sponsor the "series" for HMC. Apart from that she looks a picture. Look forward to seeing her at the Festival.
Cheers Dave Graham
Couple of personal touches Dave, Health House is our Festival sponsor so the least i could do is give him the front fender. Also, on re-surcharging the PDL when in its orange guises the stickers, etc seem to have changed from meeting to meeting as we have a ton of old pics and most show different stickers, etc and you gotta remember it all would have been hand painted in those days. What we've done is grab the best of the best so although not totally accurate not many will know and it will still represent the car from that era, this what Historic Muscle Cars and historic racing is about. It'll be a great display for the Festival and HMC!! Dale M
12-23-2013, 07:19 AM
Couple of personal touches Dave, Health House is our Festival sponsor so the least i could do is give him the front fender. Also, on re-surcharging the PDL when in its orange guises the stickers, etc seem to have changed from meeting to meeting as we have a ton of old pics and most show different stickers, etc and you gotta remember it all would have been hand painted in those days. What we've done is grab the best of the best so although not totally accurate not many will know and it will still represent the car from that era, this what Historic Muscle Cars and historic racing is about. It'll be a great display for the Festival and HMC!! Dale M
Thanks Dale, question answered. Cheers Dave
12-23-2013, 10:01 AM
Fair enough too Dale. Seeing these photos brings back more memories for some reason than the old photos did. Maybe its because it lives again lol.
Bloody well done !
12-23-2013, 07:31 PM
Back in my shop for the final put together!! X-Mas/New Year will be my only days off. Dale M
12-23-2013, 10:00 PM
Sensational looking car. That brings back memories.
Rod Grimwood
12-24-2013, 08:27 PM
Sensational looking car. That brings back memories.
Second those comments, great looking car.
Xmas lunch 1 hour, 2 cans on New Years eve about 1/2 hour, you should have plenty of time Dale.
Well done and look forward to seeing it in the flesh. Best wish's
12-28-2013, 03:30 AM
Etching forward slowly!! Dale(I have no life)Mathers
John McKechnie
12-28-2013, 07:00 AM
Twin clips to secure it, thats good.
12-28-2013, 10:17 PM
Looking at those photos shows the care and great workmanship that goes into such a car.
A credit to you Dale.
Is Mike Rorison likely to have his Mustang at the Festival ??
Rod Grimwood
12-28-2013, 10:39 PM
Twin clips to secure it, thats good.
John take it you mean fire extinguisher, always at least 2, they are not nice things flying around.
John McKechnie
12-28-2013, 11:58 PM
Dale- has the fuel filler on top of the tank got an external drain tube?
Oldfart correctly pointed this put to me which I rectified.
12-29-2013, 04:09 AM
Dale- has the fuel filler on top of the tank got an external drain tube?
Oldfart correctly pointed this put to me which I rectified.
John, yes!! you just can't see it in the pic but it drains of the bottom to the rear!! Mike(kiwi285) no Mike Rorison for the festival unfortunately as business commitments are his priority!!
Rod, yes double clip extinguisher as per the rules, because I have a foam style extinguisher(powder ones too messy) I have to add the extra clip which is a pain in A but worth it.
Worked all day today(Sunday) so defiantly have NO life, LOL
Dale M
John McKechnie
12-29-2013, 05:29 AM
yeah, Dale, but you can just rollerblade down to the beach and catch some waves at the end of the day, Scotty says you are only a stones throw, and you are always there when he swings by.....................
01-01-2014, 06:09 AM
Still going at it!! Drivers seat and belts in, dash in, fuel system and oil cooler plumbed and engine running, 15" minilites and Goodyear blue streaks fitted, ticking the list off slowly, windscreen in Monday and then wheel alignment!!(someone mentioned it was 2014, hell time flies) Dale M
John McKechnie
01-01-2014, 07:33 AM
*someone mentioned it was 2014, hell time flies *
hey Rip Van Mathers its 2016 ,and we wondered where you have been .?
Did you fall asleep under the car?
Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2014, 06:46 AM
I popped in today for a quick nosey, it looks better in the flesh then it does in the photos! And the photos were good...
Unfortunately Dale could only spare 37 seconds for a talk, as he was still busy finishing off!
Plenty of time Dale, still got 336 hours or 20160 minutes (approx) to get it finished... :-)
01-02-2014, 08:44 AM
I popped in today for a quick nosey, it looks better in the flesh then it does in the photos! And the photos were good...
Unfortunately Dale could only spare 37 seconds for a talk, as he was still busy finishing off!
Plenty of time Dale, still got 336 hours or 20160 minutes (approx) to get it finished... :-)
Sorry about that Malcolm, unfortunately in not a "last minute" harry and want it finished and tested in plenty of time, plus i still gotta fix my old girl and finish off Gimbletts Camaro!!!
I will make sure i wave to you the first weekend mate and shout you a cuppa afterwards:)
Dale M
Malcolm McLeod
01-02-2014, 10:37 AM
No worries Dale - I'd hate it fo you to say "I would've got the car finished if I didn't keep getting interrupted by a nosey flag marshall"!!!
Looking forward to that cuppa - Export Gold or Strongbow cider my fav's!
Sorry about that Malcolm, unfortunately in not a "last minute" harry and want it finished and tested in plenty of time, plus i still gotta fix my old girl and finish off Gimbletts Camaro!!!
I will make sure i wave to you the first weekend mate and shout you a cuppa afterwards:)
Dale M
01-05-2014, 04:21 AM
This is a pretty cool picture, to great historic New Zealand cars doing battle. Dale M
John McKechnie
01-05-2014, 04:25 AM
Thats what they were built for .... then.
01-05-2014, 04:37 AM
Will the Camaro and Firebird from that era be there this year. Have a friend going with camera just to see you guys and the Addis/Algie group.
John McKechnie
01-05-2014, 06:09 AM
TonyG- invitations have been extended to both those cars, and when they do the warm up lap, thats who will be there.
Tell your mate to find me and will look after him on the A/A group
01-08-2014, 12:28 AM
This is a pretty cool picture, to great historic New Zealand cars doing battle. Dale M
Nice pic Dale.
The tribute car is looking great. Are you going to have time to paint the centres of the minilites black?
01-08-2014, 04:05 AM
Is pretty much finished, wheel align tomorrow and a quick test up and down the road and we're done!! yee ha let the FUN begin. Dale M
John McKechnie
01-08-2014, 04:44 AM
Dale- a huge congratulations for a job well done and deadline met.
Take a bow and accept some pats on your back.
01-08-2014, 08:06 PM
01-08-2014, 10:31 PM
Hell Dale you have finished with heaps of time to spare LOL. What is the next project on the rank - you should be able to make some serious inroads into that before the Festival.
Seriously - that is a great job and a credit to you and your helpers - roll on the 16th when I can see it in the flesh
01-08-2014, 11:40 PM
Seriously - that is a great job and a credit to you and your helpers - roll on the 16th when I can see it in the flesh
What he said
01-09-2014, 01:06 AM
Hell Dale you have finished with heaps of time to spare LOL. What is the next project on the rank - you should be able to make some serious inroads into that before the Festival.
Seriously - that is a great job and a credit to you and your helpers - roll on the 16th when I can see it in the flesh
Man if you guys only knew, im coming to the Festival for rest!! may have a week to spare but still needs minor work but at this stage i just wanta make sure it runs OK for Tony and is presentable for viewing!! even yesterday I had to re-pull the windscreen as the headliner came unglued and off-course he broken it, luckily I had a spare instock!! but otherwise it has been a team effort and I have a great crew of outworker, painters, panel beaters, machinists, electricians, trimmers, that all pull finger but the one factor that makes it happen is none other than cubic MONEY, the bucket is rather empty.
And just remember this car hasn't been tested yet and that will happen with Tony at the wheel so don't expect it be fast but that's not what's important as im sure spectators will just luv seeing it on the track, the yanks quote the engine at 450HP but it feels more like 350HP to me(but then I am use to 800HP, LOL)
Here's a better picture taken just on dark last night with my mates high tech camera.
Dale(pleasantly worn out) Mathers
01-09-2014, 01:15 AM
Dale.....regarding your comment in the previous post on horsepower......'many a true word spoken in jest'. EIGHT HUNDRED!!!!!!! Bloody wonder the Mini cant keep up.
I hear there is a bit of rain forecast for that weekend!!!! See you next Friday.
Love Gerald.
Racer Rog
01-09-2014, 02:19 AM
You told me you had no mates, thats why you work alone!!!
01-09-2014, 03:56 AM
This is a pretty cool picture, to great historic New Zealand cars doing battle. Dale M
This photo fairly well sums up what Tony can expect at the Festival ............ chasing a Camaro!
01-09-2014, 04:17 AM
This photo fairly well sums up what Tony can expect at the Festival ............ chasing a Camaro!
Steve, that would only be to learn what lines NOT to follow... (-:
01-09-2014, 07:44 AM
Yeah Kyle, those lines will be off the rear tyres so he better not follow them!
01-09-2014, 08:52 AM
The photos of that Mustang or any HMC car, to me, is what this class is all about. Great looking cars put together with care and attention and raced in the same manner. As I have said before, in period, we had about 6 or 7 V8 powered cars and at times they weren't that reliable.
Now they are very much more reliable and are not being flogged to within an inch of their lives. We are now also getting the chance to see some cars in several of their guises at the same time and in the same event. If we could get the PDL I Mustang together with this car we would be able to see the car in two of it different race schemes and build spec's. A time warp situation.
01-09-2014, 09:27 PM
Best bit of eye candy I've seen today...Thanks Dale
Leon Hallett
01-09-2014, 11:42 PM
I know Steve quite well and have harassed him for ages about getting the real car back on the track - even as recent as yesterday! It would be great to see these two side by side.
Dale, can you please now make a start on the green version, followed by the pink version - and maybe the original Cambridge colours also. We could line them all up! Great job on the yellow one.
05-02-2014, 03:44 AM
Since the PDL replica got damaged by the Marque at the Festival this year I'd been scratching my head on what to do, looking at the damage it required the inner fenders where the hinges are attached to be replaced so I decided to pull it apart and carry out further work, I tell yar i am my own worst enemy as its got outta control(LOL) anyway here's some pictures of the Mustang and what I've done!! upgraded to fit power steering, pedal box and general all-round tidy up. Dale M
05-02-2014, 04:08 AM
Anyway, got it back from the painters today hence the above pictures but below is how it looks now!! The fun part, bolting it all back together!! it'll be ready for next season with Tony at the wheel. Although expensive it will be a good buy for somebody because parts and labour just kill it!! im sure some of you will enjoy the update. Dale M
05-02-2014, 04:29 AM
As expected it looks a treat Dale. I am sure Tony will enjoy canning it around again.
05-02-2014, 07:05 AM
Apparently these old hot rods are better - and quicker - to drive with power steering..........:cool:
Racer Rog
05-02-2014, 07:17 PM
One must remember, these guys use a zimmer frame to get to the drivers door, and when you are as old as Tony, your arms are knackered by the time you have done a warm up lap.
and also holding on to the steering for grim death, with all that power!!
05-17-2014, 12:50 AM
Even im in a Zimmer frame after a knee surgery this week Roger, ouch!!!
Heres a few more updated pics for those that are interested, current at Sparkys for a full rewire!!
Dale M
One must remember, these guys use a zimmer frame to get to the drivers door, and when you are as old as Tony, your arms are knackered by the time you have done a warm up lap.
Tony? A mere youngster... Hasn't even got his Gold card yet.
Looks great Dale.
05-17-2014, 09:20 PM
Very nice Dale
05-17-2014, 09:50 PM
Even im in a Zimmer frame after a knee surgery this week Roger, ouch!!!
Heres a few more updated pics for those that are interested, current at Sparkys for a full rewire!!
Dale M
Just out of interest, is the second oil cooler for the gearbox?
05-17-2014, 10:44 PM
Just out of interest, is the second oil cooler for the gearbox?
Power steering, with the P/S box close to the headers it pays to run a cooler!! Dale M
05-18-2014, 04:34 AM
Heres your next one Dale; (
06-06-2014, 11:44 PM
Heres a couple of update pictures, just picked it up from a wheel alignment this morning, get the front mats done Tuesday and dash top later in the week, it will be at the Speed Show, AKL next month at the HRC stand.
dale M
Steve Holmes
06-07-2014, 12:14 AM
That looks awesome Dale! Can you give some of the details on the motor? ie, internals, carb, heads etc?
06-07-2014, 02:52 AM
That looks awesome Dale! Can you give some of the details on the motor? ie, internals, carb, heads etc?
Yep, absolutely Steve. Got to make sure it's HMC compliant. Don't want another 800hp rocket ship,LOL.
Dave Graham
MSNZ COD Auditor
06-07-2014, 03:21 AM
Never had the motor apart guys, was built in America but I do know its still a 351 Cleveland and not stroked, etc, has standard 4V cast heads, baby hydraulic cam, 9.5 compression so runs on pump gas, Weiand alloy intake, headers, 650 DP Holley, MSD ignition, when purchased was told it was 450HP but its not, 380 to 400HP it feels like!!
Just moving it around today with the power steering and it feels better, this is now a perfect HMC car and one day the new owner can just add some horsepower and he's got a hell-off a car as now everything else is rite!!
Yes Dave, HMC compliant as you'd expect BUT you can do a full audit next event(Ice Breaker)
Dale M
Steve Holmes
06-07-2014, 03:48 AM
Dave, sounds like you just bought yourself a couple of hours work auditing! Ha ha ha
Thanks for that info Dale. Its interesting when you list the specs of that motor. Its really a hot road car motor, but the car goes incredibly well and was lapping pretty competitively with Tony at the wheel back in January. Just goes to show, you don't need to spend big bucks in HMC to still have fun and be well in the pack having some great battles.
06-07-2014, 09:42 AM
Dave, sounds like you just bought yourself a couple of hours work auditing! Ha ha ha
Thanks for that info Dale. Its interesting when you list the specs of that motor. Its really a hot road car motor, but the car goes incredibly well and was lapping pretty competitively with Tony at the wheel back in January. Just goes to show, you don't need to spend big bucks in HMC to still have fun and be well in the pack having some great battles.
Yep Steve, probably have but when you love what you do what's a few hours. I am in a privileged position where i can get up close and personal with the type of cars that raced in my day when a flaggie and spectator and now meet some of those guys who used to race them. Richards,Marwood, Fahey, Collins, Grant etc and the list goes on. Just wish we were all about 20 yrs younger,LOL!!!
06-15-2014, 03:47 AM
PDL is pretty much all finished. It will be on display at next months Speedshow, July 19/20th at the Historic Racing Club(HRC) stand. Dale M
Doug Rudy
06-17-2014, 02:23 AM
Man, you do some sweet work Dale. Time to get your own TV show and show how you do this work...and I gather that you do it all yourself. That would be the "hook" for interest.
I was going to make some smart-a$$ comment about how you dropped the nose two inches on the repair and how trick the new light-weight windshield and back light are....but didn't want to give away any of your secrets!
Fantastic build!
Oh, BTW, be kind to my friend Craig Harris when he shows up with the Aussies in NZ. (red, white and blue. He runs number 88 on it).
Oh, also BTW. Have a killer 351 Cleveland if you guys can run 'em there.
Malcolm McLeod
06-18-2014, 07:12 AM
I could tell you all about that 2" nose drop but.......Dale has just reminded me that I have selective amnesia!!!!
I suspect that I may have leaned a bit hard on the front of it, and that may have caused the lower!
06-18-2014, 07:35 AM
Man, you do some sweet work Dale. Time to get your own TV show and show how you do this work...and I gather that you do it all yourself. That would be the "hook" for interest.
I was going to make some smart-a$$ comment about how you dropped the nose two inches on the repair and how trick the new light-weight windshield and back light are....but didn't want to give away any of your secrets!
Fantastic build!
Oh, BTW, be kind to my friend Craig Harris when he shows up with the Aussies in NZ. (red, white and blue. He runs number 88 on it).
Oh, also BTW. Have a killer 351 Cleveland if you guys can run 'em there.
Shhhhhhhhhhh Doug, don't give away my secrets as i have a direct line to Bud Moore, LOL, as for TV im way too shy for that and who would be interested anyway? still, i just luv chipping away one project at a time but 69 and 70 Mustang FB's i have soft spot for!! This old girl is no fire eater with a modest pump gas 400HP(if your lucky) engine but for our Historic class it fits rite in and has the rite look, that's whats important as the "Cars are the Stars".
And off-course last saturday i had Malcolm standing over me making sure NO illegal parts went in A Malcolm, buddy, mate!! LOL
From what i hear Craig Harris has turned the heat up in your old Mustang Doug, fire breathing Fataz engine now so he'll be killer for sure but hey you better come down in January? we need you to do the cookin on the BBQ MATE, LOL.
Dale M,
Steve Holmes
10-02-2014, 01:20 AM
Here is a pic of the original, likely during its Australian visit in 1972. This is probably Calder Park. I've not seen an engine bay shot of the car in this guise before. Engine bay looks a lot like your Boss don't you think Dale! Looks like you have the best of both worlds.
10-02-2014, 02:51 AM
Here is a pic of the original, likely during its Australian visit in 1972. This is probably Calder Park. I've not seen an engine bay shot of the car in this guise before. Engine bay looks a lot like your Boss don't you think Dale! Looks like you have the best of both worlds.
I can tell by the angle for the webers Steve that its fitted with Gurney Westlake cylinder heads, other set ups on Ford heads the carburettors stood straight up and down(as mine are), be great to get a proper engine bay shot.
Great photo of this legendry car that I've never seen before!!
Dale M
10-14-2018, 11:25 AM
Wow hard to believe you built this 4 years ago. Seems like yesterday.
One long question for you though Dale - What colour is the paint on this? Grabber Orange? and what colour primer was used under it?
I have an old Monogram 1/24th scale 1970 Boss 429 Mustang model kit here with this cars name on it. Have a 302 put aside already. Just have to find some aftermarket rims to match Pauls car when in PDL Colours like this.
Thanks in advance - Tony
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