View Full Version : Looking for old television recordings

08-26-2013, 07:32 PM

My name is Mark, from The Netherlands. A few years ago I started working on collecting as many historical television broadcasts as possible to make sure they won't get lost. An overview of what I've collected so far is posted on my website: http://motorracingvideoarchive.com/ (hoping i'm not breaking any advertisement rules here - there are no ads on the site and i'm not promoting this to sell stuff as I generally don't do that)

I'm wondering if there is anyone here in posession of old TV broadcasts (the 70s,80s is my main area of interest) and is interested in exchanging a couple of things? I'm not really after something specific though. If there is something I can help out with, please let me know.


EDIT: Oops, I see i've missed the introduction forum.

Paul Kirk
08-31-2013, 02:56 AM
Giday Mark,
I've just given Mark Coultard (Markec) many old video tapes some of which you might be interested in.
you should be able to find him on here, if not email me on paul.kirk@xtra.co.nz and I'll find his email for you.