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Roger Dowding
08-31-2019, 05:13 AM
Story added follow but this is 90/1 in 1974 when owned briefly by Peter Hill [ Peter now lives in Australia ].
Bart who now owns the car would like to know more !

The photo - given to Bart Jonkers - the current owner..


More to come !! " Oldfart " and Kelvin Brown both know a bit about the car - its early history is needed.

Bart wrote " Buckler 90 photo (90/1, 1974/1975)
Please comment if you recognize this car.
I am trying to trace the early history of my NZ Buckler 90/1 back to 1950s/1960s ownerships. I was able to contact the oldest confirmed NZ owner for my car, Peter Hill. Peter lives in Australia now and still writes about motoring as well as fiction. He gave me the attached photo of the car as he had it around 1974/1975 before selling it to Bruce Sutcliffe.
Peter tells me he was living in Auckland at the time and bought the car from a guy owning a repair garage. He confirms the car had a 100E Elva engine and the body colour was red. He does not remember a name for the repair garage owner.
As you see, the car has some distinctive features:
- A windshield with metal surround.
- A 'raised' hood scoop. The intake opening looks elevated above the hood plane.
- Widened wheels, but still E93A hubs.
- Chromed door hinges on the outside (so far only known only known on Ray Tyler and Dennis Lyndsey cars).
- Front indicators placed close to headlight buckets.
- Clearly visible pivot points for the front section.
- The front wheel arch looks very wide where it folds inwards.
It looks very similar to the Reed Buckler (but other wheels) and to the Ray Tyler car (but i believe that's accounted for).
Does this newly discovered 1974/1975 photo help in linking 90/1 to an early history?

and some more comment- Bruce Sutcliffe bought the car - paid for in kind .. he worked of the cost.
It saved the Car.

" The car was purchased for 400$ by Peter around 1974/1975. It was still running. He never got around to using it and a while later, Bruce Sutcliffe paid for it with new carpenting for Peter’s house! “

My own comment
" Which indicates Bruce Sutcliffe owned it 1975 on "..

A note by Kelvin Brown - a recognised expert of New Zealand owned Bucklers

" Bart great to see that early photo from Peter Hill. It has some distinctive features. One of the missing cars Mk.90/15 does have some compatible detail. It was raced by Doug Smythe in the 1960's era, out of Taranaki Car Club, but I have limited details so far. "

Looks like this now - photo from Bart Jonkers in Europe ..


Roger Dowding
09-01-2019, 01:31 AM
Photo from Bart Jonkers - who owns 90/1 in Holland.
Unsure if this is connected with the Peter Hill photo from 1974/75 or not.


Any comment appreciated !!

Roger Dowding
04-06-2020, 06:56 AM
Photo from Steve Sharp archives - at Pukekohe . comment on the photo
" Young Bruce Sutcliffe tending to his baby.**
Bart Jonkers may have already seen this one. "

According to notes I have Bruce owned it ** his baby in the 1970's -1975-ish ..

Bruce Sutcliffe well known in Buckler Circles [ owned a few ] and Bart Jonkers now owns this Car - which is in Holland.
The creator of this thread will know more than I do.

The year - not known - looking at the shorts early 1980's - I had those too !! Not a good look !

04-06-2020, 11:37 PM
I swear Dale Mathers (Muscle Cars) still wears his!

2017 Leadfoot - paddock exit

Roger Dowding
07-14-2020, 03:56 AM
Bart Jonkers who now owns 90/1 NZ Reg KA6377 - has been busy getting the car ready to use again - he took some time off work to get it in order.

This is what he wrote
" Soon back on the road. Or at least i’m pretty confident she’ll be running again before summer is over.
Due to a new job, I had very little time to work on cars over the past two years. But then I decided enough is enough. So I took a week of holiday, locked myself up in the shed and build up the car again in some 80 hours. Had to install the gearbox 3 times because an ‘expert’ promised me he had adjusted the clutch already. The clutch now has the 3 added springs for a total of 9, as recommended in some old Buckler literature. Happy to report that it actually does not feel bad at all, having to depress this 50% heavier clutch.
I have now seen oil pressure starting her w/o spark plugs. So now it’s only a matter of taking her off the jack stands and seeing if the engine will really start! I’ll be posting some new photos of the car on dutch roads soon. Below a photo I recently found of the car still in NZ. "

He found this image in a " Beaded Wheels " the NZ Vintage Car Magazine.
Stated to be at the Kairangi Hill Climb by Steve Sharp.


Apologies for the ..oops .. the NZ Registration in later years was KA6377 .. I need to check my typing and also the notes on my photos ..

07-14-2020, 06:53 AM
According to the records compiled by Kelvin and I it was built by Arthur Harris and then to Peter Hill.

07-15-2020, 07:18 PM
Maybe some of you know this lovely car.
Buckler 90/8 for sale in the UK.


07-16-2020, 03:35 AM
Remi, that car was last owned in NZ by Steve Day, first NZ owner/builder Arthur Harris.

Roger Dowding
07-16-2020, 05:00 AM
Remi, that car was last owned in NZ by Steve Day, first NZ owner/builder Arthur Harris.

Car looks great, modernised but brilliant, Thanks Remi and Rhys for the post and details.

07-16-2020, 05:04 AM
Chassis 90/8.First owner Kerwyn Taylor who built it on UK chassis 1956-58 with de Joux mk. 1 body. Raced at Teretonga and Dunedin. Subsequent owners Trevor Dunning, Gordon Pringle, Graeme Currie, Ken White, Bruce Sutcliffe, Dewar Thomas (who restored the car), Garry Price, Dallas Crampton, and Steve Day.

Roger Dowding
07-16-2020, 06:03 AM
Chassis 90/8.First owner Kerwyn Taylor who built it on UK chassis 1956-58 with de Joux mk. 1 body. Raced at Teretonga and Dunedin. Subsequent owners Trevor Dunning, Gordon Pringle, Graeme Currie, Ken White, Bruce Sutcliffe, Dewar Thomas (who restored the car), Garry Price, Dallas Crampton, and Steve Day.

This car - in recent times

Here with Dallas Crampton at Ngawhini Hill Climb. Date not stated


A article - from an event at Ngawhini -


Roger Dowding
07-16-2020, 06:24 AM
Photo from Steve Sharp archives - at Pukekohe . comment on the photo
" Young Bruce Sutcliffe tending to his baby.**
Bart Jonkers may have already seen this one. "

According to notes I have Bruce owned it ** his baby in the 1970's -1975-ish ..

Bruce Sutcliffe well known in Buckler Circles [ owned a few ] and Bart Jonkers now owns this Car - which is in Holland.
The creator of this thread will know more than I do.

The year - not known - looking at the shorts early 1980's - I had those too !! Not a good look !

Just found out this - the Registration number is still on Carjam ..

" Year: 1955
Model: 90
Colour: Green
Second Colour: Yellow
Body Style: Sports Car
VIN: 7A81X000701901955
Plate: KA6377
Engine No: 4945
Chassis: BK901955
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car/Van
Seats: 2
CC rating: 1,172cc "

Previous plate noted too

" Plates History

Plate Effective Date
Current Plate? Get CarJam Report
KA6377 19-Sep-2011
AAH494 06-Apr-2001 "

and before that BL 4993

Roger Dowding
08-04-2020, 04:01 AM
Wally Bower in Buckler 6/2 in the early 1970's at Pukekohe - photo by Kevin Lancaster.


Entry List from Milan Fistonic for a 1970 meeting.
Milan wrote " This could be the race shown above. It was held on March 8, 1970 at Pukekohe. "
I was probably there too !! - but no photos of the car !


Kelvin Brown writes ;
" Good to see that photo of Wally Bower in the Buckler Mk.6/2 car, by then the original Arnott blower and 100E had been removed and replaced with a Cortina engine of 1340 cc. ?, was repainted yellow. "

Photo from " Geebeez " the car in Yellow.


Graeme Banks " Geebeez " also wrote
" Yes that was NZs second Buckler probably in its final form before being almost destroyed in a road accident and reincarnated as the Blue Brick. "

Here in a Ray Green " ERC " photo is the Blue Brick along with the now Bart Jonkers car Buckler 90/8 KA6377 Yellow over Green and behind is the Ivy Stephenson / Bruce Sutcliffe Blue over White 90 - they both have De Joux bodies.
Photo from around 1985-86 I believe at Pukekohe in the old Paddock area by the Tote building


Would appreciate any corrections / comments to pass on to Kevin Lancaster - who in retirement n the Coromandel is now posting many of his 100's or 1000's of photos.


08-08-2020, 08:48 AM
All seems correct to me, except I note from the entry list that the Bowers car has capacity as 1250 cc
Yes that's the paddock at Pukekohe, and what looks like the tail of another de Joux body just almost out of shot. The door opening looks a bit more like Mistral than de Joux though.

08-08-2020, 09:17 PM
Just come across your mention in last year's Classic & Sports car Rhys! Didn't realise the Alan Staniforth connection - or maybe I just missed it.

I'm a year behind, as the cruising habit since 2011 has meant the pile of magazines kept growing whilst we were away - every year. Cut back from 5 a month to 3, but still not exactly gaining, though having this year's travel cancelled may make a difference.

Referring back to the 1985/86 photo at Pukekohe, note the crowd was pretty good. How times have changed.

11-03-2020, 02:07 AM
Sad to say, but the person most responsible for the marque being a known thing, Bruce Sutcliffe passed away this last weekend.
Without Bruce very few would know what the cars were, or meant in the NZ racing scene.
RIP Mr Buckler NZ.

Roger Dowding
11-03-2020, 05:28 AM
Sad to say, but the person most responsible for the marque being a known thing, Bruce Sutcliffe passed away this last weekend.
Without Bruce very few would know what the cars were, or meant in the NZ racing scene.
RIP Mr Buckler NZ.

Thanks, Rhys, had just read it on a post by Kelvin Brown.
Bruce's contribution to the marque was huge.

Kelvin posted this photo of team Buckler after the 1982 Perrier Le Mans relay race at Pukekohe.
Bruce Sutcliffe left, Center Q, right Ian Hallett, and another Gent.

Bruce in one of his cars .. leave it Oldfart to say which one


Bruce in the ex Ivy Stephenson car -1982 Ross Cammick photo


Roger Dowding
05-09-2022, 04:35 AM
A Special Edition of New Zealand Classic Driver - entitled " ROAD, RACE & RALLY " was published in late 2021.
Six bucklers were gathered together for the article;
Peter Benbrook, 1950 Buckler MKVI. NZ Registration PL7307
Graeme Brayshaw, 1954 Buckler MKVI. NZ Registration 1964 BD7989
Mark Garmey. 1957 Buckler 90. NZ Registration GHH417 Reg 30 April 2012 **
Grant Bowring, 1957 Buckler DD2 (UK) 90. NZ Registration PL8061 Reg 31 October 1990.
Craig Laing, 1958 Buckler DD2,. NZ Registration IP3842
Roger Munns, 1959 Buckler 90. NZ Registration 1964 CY2945

** The Mark Garmey car has had several plates in New Zealand 352,325 - pre 1964, AI6477 issued in 1964 and DJ5264 was on the car in 1975 but plate issued around 1965.
The first two pages of the article


A couple of photos taken at the time.



The Mark Garmey car was owned by the creator of this thread on TRS, back in 1970.
Recently photos of the car under an earlier owner have been appearing on Old New Zealand Motor Racing, Facebook page posted by the owner at the time Peter Preston.

A few Bucklers in New Zealand, have gone overseas, so it is good to know these ones are still here and being used as intended with some Motorsport.

Roger Dowding
05-12-2022, 01:58 AM

Interesting stuff, thanks BMC BOY for the photos, question, who is in the Car - dark body white stripe and Roundel for the race number, the Gent has a beard, from a 1982 TACCOC sprint, ??, From memory he was quite an authority on Bucklers like Bruce Sutcliffe, and a member of the Waitemata branch of the Vintage Car Club, that ran Chelsea and other sprints / hillclimbs. ( Lyle Chambers, who had a 1930's BSA front wheel drive [ 4 wheel ] special - with a side valve Ford 10 engine in place of the four cylinder BSA, new him well. the said BSA was run at a Pukekohe sprint with owner Lyle driving and myself been given time to do a few laps too The BSA could hit about 80 mph on the back straight at Pukekohe [ pre-chicanes ] ). Also remember the Glendene Sprints, [ as pictured earlier ] where the Bucklers were and Peter Bruin's, beautiful Lotus 11 sports [ where is that car now ??].

Just going back over this thread - back to 2013 - as have recently seen a few photos by Peter Preston when he owned the Buckler that is now with Mark Garmey, and a previous custodian was " Oldfart " - Rhys Nolan.

To answer my own question ? above.

The Gentleman in the Dark Car with White Stripe TACCOC 1982 by Ross Cammick - is that Ian Hallet ?, who I have seen in a photo with Bruce Sutcliffe and another Buckler Driver, when they won the Team Prize at a Perrier Le Mans Relay Race at Pukekohe in 1982.
The photo, in Post #267, has Bruce Sutcliffe -left, Gentleman with a beard Q centre, and Ian Hallett also with a beard. SSharp noted in 2013 that the Gent in question was quote " That's David Childs. ".
I am now trying to recall what colour Ian Hallets car was. Think it may have been one colour
Now to find the photos, again.

Roger Dowding
05-14-2022, 11:43 PM
Peter Preston in Buckler 90-3.
Photos from Peters own archives.

One taking a spin, at Renwick in 1962.


The other stated to be Teretonga - helmet seems different but car has same 1961 - 64 number plate.


Peter was a successful racer as seen in the article [ advert ] from Motorman that Milan Fistonic has Posted -well back in this thread.


Posted before other photos of the car around the same time early 1960's.

Teretonga again. next to a Healey


On track


The car has a distinctive bonnet scoop and the stripes, which Mark Garmey has recreated on the car in its current state.

Sometimes all photos are there, the next time not !!

05-16-2022, 05:34 AM
The bonnet scoop went when the overhead valve 1470 cc engine was fitted. The mesh stone guards on the lights were on it when I had it, they came in a box of spares.

Roger Dowding
05-18-2022, 10:19 PM
The bonnet scoop went when the overhead valve 1470 cc engine was fitted. The mesh stone guards on the lights were on it when I had it, they came in a box of spares.

Thanks OF, RN,
Another photo from Peter Preston - his first meeting after he bought the car from Barry Cottle - Wigram 1961 ?-trying to read the number plate and see the ' colours " used - White on Deep Red, 1956 -61 or Black on Yellow 1961 - 64..
Looks like the 1961 - 64 plates - the last of the " Old " style Black on Yellow


Ignore the " Renwick " note - forgot to Edit the photo name. Peter stated it was Wigram. Not sure how many times a year they used the Air Force Base - the Lady Wigram Trophy Race was during the " season " January - March,when the Overseas Drivers visited - the off season for Grand Prix and major Sports Car races in UK and Europe.

The plates ;


As on the car :


05-19-2022, 01:31 AM
I'd doubt if that's 61 at Wigram. No rain. It was wet Friday practise and Saturday race day.
It was only late 70's that the track got used more than once a year. University CC and a couple of others managed to talk their way onto it - but no spectator admission. Club members only.

Roger Dowding
05-19-2022, 03:02 AM
I'd doubt if that's 61 at Wigram. No rain. It was wet Friday practise and Saturday race day.
It was only late 70's that the track got used more than once a year. University CC and a couple of others managed to talk their way onto it - but no spectator admission. Club members only.

Thanks GregT, I was picking 1962 by the number plate,

Milan Fistonic
05-19-2022, 03:34 AM
Peter Preston's Buckler was number 1 at Wigram in 1962 and 1963.

Roger Dowding
05-29-2022, 12:59 AM
From Classic Autonews archives - Allan Dick collection.

Hillclimb in Northland - Number Plates are the 1956 - 61 issue.
Northland Car Clubs main Hillclimb venue was Puhipuhi Road, :" North " of Whangarei - near SH1.
Was this there ? - Thanks " Oldfart " for clarification of directions and venue - had my compass upside down - now corrected above " North ";


Pre June 1956 - At Dunedin in 1955 for the Festival Road Races.
from a magazine article. On two wheels


An old print of the same photo ;


At Levin in 1956


05-30-2022, 03:33 PM
The top photo I think looks like Puhi puhi which is actually North of Whangarei, a bit beyond Whakapara where the road to Russell branches off.
Jim Boyd did have the use of both of the Mk 6 cars in succeeding years.

Milan Fistonic
05-30-2022, 07:53 PM
The top photo I think looks like Puhi puhi which is actually North of Whangarei, a bit beyond Whakapara where the road to Russell branches off.
Jim Boyd did have the use of both of the Mk 6 cars in succeeding years.

I believe Puhi Puhi was Northland Car Club's first hill climb venue. Jim Boyd drove a Buckler there on September 16, 1956 and October 28, 1956.

05-31-2022, 06:09 AM
I believe Puhi Puhi was Northland Car Club's first hill climb venue. Jim Boyd drove a Buckler there on September 16, 1956 and October 28, 1956.

It went on for several years, the Northland Special competed there under many of its' names and drivers.

Roger Dowding
07-25-2022, 03:50 AM
A couple of photos of the Vic Simkin Buckler from the period 1960 -

Levin in 1960 - thought to be the November 26th 1960 meeting.

The car had the ex Lionel Bulcraig Humber 80 motor that was modified and a Sunbeam Rapier gearbox.
The bonnet scoop was wide and quite distinctive for a Buckler.

Lewis Townsend photo - as processed by Ross Cammick.


Another photo of the car from Kelvin Brown archives - event not detailed - on the 1956 - 1961 Number Plate
" 487*119 ". Looks like a Hill Climb event with the chock at the back wheel.


See note from " Oldfart " - believed to be at the Muriwai Hill Climb, which was an Auckland Car Club venue for a number of years in the 1950's - 60's ..

07-25-2022, 04:44 AM
I was told by a family member that the bottom photo above was perhaps Muriwai, but didn't pursue that to concur. Time for Milan?

Paul B
09-12-2022, 09:30 PM
The Vic Simpkin Buckler 90 (from post #280) still lives and is fully intact, I hope to view it soon. Great pic Roger.

09-13-2022, 07:37 AM

09-13-2022, 07:38 AM

Roger Dowding
09-22-2022, 01:00 AM
Posted on Buckler Cars and Karts facebook page - these images of the Ivy Stephenson, Bruce Sutcliffe and others Buckler. Well known in New Zealand with its De Joux body.

Photos from Bart Jonkers Richard Bauz and Malcolm Bee..
- Paul Steed driving





The Madgwick Cup - just after the start.
Having a big spin which apparently caused the De Dion rear end to cause problems and its racing was over.


Roger Dowding
01-30-2023, 11:41 PM
Car Registration papers for a Buckler .. seems to be a name we all know !! Cheers

No doubt "someone "can tell us more about the car ??


A South Island car through the period -

More information;

Peter Preston raced this car in the 1960's in the South Island and I note that it was owned by an
- " Ivy Alice Preston " from 20 July 1961 to 29 July 1964.
Would have had the 1961 - 64 plates 759.025 when purchased and the permanent plates A!6477 - just issued when sold 29 July 1964.

The car currently has the plate " GHH417 " under the ownership of Mark Garmey, Mark and his father Ian Garmey [ RIP Ian recently ] have the car in excellent condition and it features in a New Zealand Classic Driver - Special Edition Magazine published in late 2021.
The story of the car in the magazine has some anomalies, if these papers are to be believed.
They were issued in 1975, and would appear to be a re-issue.

The car as featured with others in the Magazine - posted later n the thread also.


Will scan the page on the Harris now Garmey car..

Here are the Registration details as on Carjam today.

" 1957
Model: 90
Colour: RED
Second Colour: White
Body Style: Sports Car
VIN: 7AT01X00X12704381
Plate: GHH417
Engine No: COVERED
Chassis: 90-0003
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car/Van
Seats: 2
CC rating: 1,340cc
Fuel Type: Petrol
Assembly Type: NZ Assembled/Built
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Vehicle Equipment Class: MA
Industry Class: PRIVATE "

Plate History ..

" Plates History

Plate Effective Date
GHH417 30-Apr-2012

�� Registration ℹ
Registration Status: Get CARJAM Report
Plate: GHH417
Plate Type: Standard
Origin: NZ New
Used as: Private Passenger vehicle
Cause of Latest Registration: Re-Registered
NZ First Registration: 01-Jan-1957
NZ Last Registration: Get CARJAM Report
Was Registered Overseas? No
Registered previously in: New Zealand "

" Odometer Readings

As of 26-Feb-2017 Check latest odometer readings.

2017-Feb-04 WOF Inspection
198 Miles/year
72,908 Miles

2015-Nov-10 WOF Inspection
165 Miles/year
72,662 Miles

2015-Mar-14 WOF Inspection
65 Miles/year
72,553 Miles

2014-Aug-23 WOF Inspection
150 Miles/year
72,517 Miles

2013-Dec-23 WOF Inspection
56 Miles/year
72,417 Miles

2013-Apr-20 WOF Inspection
206 Miles/year
72,379 Miles

2012-Apr-30 WOF Inspection
72,178 Miles

2012-Apr-30 Pre-registration Check
72,178 Miles ".

Hard reading as do not copy and paste well.

Recent photo of the car.


Have information from Mark Garmey around its story early 1990s to 2007.

" Mark Garmey writes ; 31st January 2023

“ Gary Dixon from Christchurch rescued the car from a paddock in the early 90’s.
At this time it had a Ford crossflow in it. Gary did a bit of the restoration but succumbed to cancer prior to finishing it.
The car then went to Snow van den Broek from Matamata.
I got the car from him in 2007 basically in the same state as he had received it from Gary.
Snow was killed in a car crash in 2017. “

nigel watts
01-31-2023, 01:30 AM

Roger Dowding
01-31-2023, 03:51 AM
The Paul Greaney car 441.091 Race #128, looking very smart,
thanks Nigel.

01-31-2023, 03:55 PM
The car Mark Garmey has, when owned by me in 1970, sold so that I could buy a ticket to Europe, bought from John Money had a 1340 block, was supposed to have a steel crank and 85 mm pistons. The rear suspension had Woodhead Munroe shocks with coil over springs, top links going forward and a Lotus style A frame to the bottom of the diff. That was attached with a tie rod end, which let go on SH1 at some pace outside the Burnham Army base. Later reported that it had been "crashed by a school teacher from Dunsandel". That was me. There was no crash, but it was a fairly interesting ride before I brought it to a halt with rear steering.

01-31-2023, 07:00 PM
Met Gary Dixon at a funeral not long before his death. My wife worked with his and from memory it was someone from their work's funeral
Anyway, got talking to him as he'd seen the Mk2 jag we'd come in. Both of them were upfront about his prognosis. He said he wasn't far off finishing the Buckler but didn't think he'd have the time to finish it. There was a function to go to other side of town so I asked him if he'd ever driven a good Mk2. He said no he hadn't so I tossed him the keys and said see you there. His eyes lit up and a huge grin on his face. Very nice guy who deserved longer. And yes, we got the Jag back unmarked.

Roger Dowding
02-01-2023, 01:44 AM
The car Mark Garmey has, when owned by me in 1970, sold so that I could buy a ticket to Europe, bought from John Money had a 1340 block, was supposed to have a steel crank and 85 mm pistons. The rear suspension had Woodhead Munroe shocks with coil over springs, top links going forward and a Lotus style A frame to the bottom of the diff. That was attached with a tie rod end, which let go on SH1 at some pace outside the Burnham Army base. Later reported that it had been "crashed by a school teacher from Dunsandel". That was me. There was no crash, but it was a fairly interesting ride before I brought it to a halt with rear steering.

Brave Man, Rhys ..

Have found another photo of the car - very poor image and trying to identify the number plate - it should be 759.025 - the 1961 - 64 plate Black letters on Yellow. a couple of the numbers can be read just - especially the last the " 5 ".

Colour image as found.
Is that Peter Preston in the driving seat.


in Monochrome


Have a note which I wrote some time ago about a plate "352.325 " which I thought was on the car - the original 1956 - 61 issue, White numbers on Deep Red with a star " * "..
Can anyone / Does anyone have anything to confirm this - a photo perhaps.

The " 759.025 " plates 1961 - 1964/65 are seen on several of the photos from Peter Preston's time with the car, racing at Teretonga and Renwick around 1963.

The story continues.

02-01-2023, 08:29 AM
"Brave Man, Rhys .." Roger, why do you say that? It was my only car, and breakages can happen.
The bonnet bulge/scoop was not on the car when I had it. Nor were there louvres as it has now, the scoop over the downdraft Weber was "primitive". I'm guessing that many of the changes emanated from John Money. Photo to come. FWIW the car suffered no other damage apart from a bent radius rod, certainly no bodywork.

Roger Dowding
02-03-2023, 05:15 AM
Rhys, perhaps I should have said " well handled ", having turned a Mini into a 3 wheeler in Titirangi, - it was a front wheel that broke too !!
Skidded to a halt to see the wheel disappear over the bank, early Mini's had weak wheels for a young fellow with more bravado than skill at the time. learnt from that and got a new pair of wheels -modified
- " Jolly Wide " wheels actually..

Look forward to seeing the photo and thanks for the info on the car.
Just been going through the Brown / Nolan spreadsheet on the NZ Bucklers that you sent me some time ago -good to have with all the other Buckler stuff in my archive..

Roger Dowding
04-11-2023, 04:59 AM
Sent these photos recently of the Buckler that Mid Beckett [ M M Beckett ] had in 1961 - 1962.
Mentioned as being in Lower Hutt and at Levin in 1962, in Rhys Nolan's notes.

Four photos of the car - The photos are from Mid Beckett himself in 1961





Does anyone have more information on the car ??
Adrian Krzyzewski asked about the car as he is trying to help Mid Beckett who now has a Lotus Seven that raced at Ahuriri [ Napier ] races in 1964.

He notes, from the Graham Vercoe book, which mentions a Buckler that was a " blown " - supercharged Mark VI - the Arthur Harris car then went to Wally Bower then Groves and then Beckett, it went to David Crewdsen and was written off. Is this the same car.
There is also mention by Adrian of the Dewar car and the car that Peter Benbrook owns -
Did Dewar rebuild the Beckett car ?

- It seems that information is incorrect, or details of one car being applied to another.

Any information, please post here or PM me.

The bonnett on the car is quite distinctive, but have not seen other photos of a Buckler with the nose as pictured.

04-12-2023, 07:57 PM
The Arthur Harris car is not the "Blue Brick". Remember what I have frequently said about that quoted resource.
Pete Benbrook's car is a recent creation using a new unused chassis. (By Dewar)

Roger Dowding
04-13-2023, 04:19 AM
The Arthur Harris car is no the "Blue Brick". Remember what I have frequently said about that quoted resource.
Pete Benbrook's car is a recent creation using a new unused chassis. (By Dewar)

Thanks for the clarification Rhys..

My comment " There is also mention by Adrian of the Dewar car and the car that Peter Benbrook owns -
Did Dewar rebuild the Beckett car ? "

Rhys Nolan notes " Pete Benbrook's car is a recent creation using a new unused chassis. (By Dewar) "

A further comment - the car known as the Blue Brick .. " is not the Arthur Harris Car " and it is not the Pete Benbrookcar either ?

The Benbrook car .. a Ray Green photo from 2018


The Blue Brick in 2020 with Kelvin Brown - Peter Leversedge archives


Photos seem to vanish and need to click on the attachment in my system grrr

Nov 7th 2024, photos not showing and have disappeared completely - I also cannot find them on my laptop .. grrrr again.

Roger Dowding
11-06-2024, 03:43 AM
Posted my photo from the April 1966 meeting at Pukekohe with the Orchid Special [ with that beautiful Ferris De Joux body ] and a couple of Bucklers [ De Joux bodied also ]. The Buckler on the right has plate FE9637 and is the car that was owned by Owen Cullen, having been with Vic Simkin previously.

My photo ;


The two following photos emerged as part of comments by Paul Greaney, A current Buckler owner in New Zealand and David Montgomery who runs the Buckler Register in the UK and the " Buckler Cars and Karts " Facebook group.

Entry List for the meeting - Milan Fistonic archives - a would have been posted on the Pukekohe thread
Owen Cullen #42

FE9637 looking very neglected - Paul Greaney archives.


Another photo of FE9637 undated but believed to be when Owen Cullen acquired it. * please comment if details are incorrect. - David Montgomery archives - he must have obtained from an NZ


- as an aside;
Good to read that " Phospho " is helping Steve Holmes with the forum.
Long may in continue.

11-06-2024, 08:18 PM
Going back into this after a very long time.
"Mid" Beckett told me that his car was a copy, authorised by Arthur Harris and registered as A Buckler because whatever LTSA was , at the time, had those in their list. So, in short, a "sort of" Buckler.

11-22-2024, 06:40 AM
Going back into this after a very long time.
"Mid" Beckett told me that his car was a copy, authorised by Arthur Harris and registered as A Buckler because whatever LTSA was , at the time, had those in their list. So, in short, a "sort of" Buckler.

So - after a lot of research and unravelling what actually happened and talking to some that were around at the time.
Vic Simpkin built two Bucklers. The first was an English Chassis Mk90 - the red one above that was sold to Owen Cullen and ended up with Ray Purdy. He then built a second chassis “under license” by Arthur Harris that became the DD2, and was sold to Wayne Harris and then Stan Benbrook. We have both cars in our shed. The green and yellow DD2 that I currently race is the second car. The car was built with the guidance of Buckler NZ, was registered as a Buckler from the moment it was built, I can’t see how it makes it a “copy” but I am a bit biased ����

Roger Dowding
11-23-2024, 02:52 AM
Paul good information, and great the cars are still around.

" The green and yellow DD2 that I currently race is the second car. "

Here, in your own photo ;
" borrowed " of course with acknowledgement.


12-02-2024, 08:47 AM
Going back into this, I spent some time on a phone call with Mid Beckett trying to establish which chassis that was for my records. He stated unequivocally that it was not a Buckler chassis at all, but a copy as he could not get a "real" one, and much easier to register as a Buckler than dream up another name.
That does not mean that your car Paul is in the same situation. Vic's wife told me that he gave it another name, it's now recognised by the folk who like Bucklers as such, a Buckler. Some were "authorised" copies by Buckler NZ, some were just done by those who could either not afford them, or Buckler NZ could not deliver, so they built anyway. I know of a car that was in exactly that cae, 2 cousins bought one rolling chassis, built another chassis and some of the parts supplied went onto both cars.

12-04-2024, 11:30 AM
To follow on from post #286, here is the car when I owned it in Dunsandel, 1970. I think the plate number is AI...77308

Roger Dowding
01-23-2025, 04:38 AM
Advertisement from the 1950's - looks like from the " Pink " cover New Zealand Weekly News,


A well known Lotus XI with another well known car, a Buckler behind - believe Denise Ganley holding the umbrella.
the Ian Hallet MGA powered Buckler - it ran at the AHCCNZ Otaua Hill Climb a few times And was part of the Buckler Team at TACCOC and Le Mans Relay Races at Pukekohe.

Photo from Wellington Street Races in 1985


The Ivy Stephenson - Bruce Sutcliffe [ and others ] Buckler Climax - place date [ 1980's ] and event not stated Warwick Clayton photo - any help with ID of place - event and the date would be appreciated.

Have established it is Manfield in the 1980's there is a series of " Warwick Clayton photos from both Manfield and Wellington from then - Wellington believed to be the 1985 meeting - more photos to come of #15 and also the Mark 6 " Blue Brick " or its mate.


From David Montgomery - the Register List of Bucklers around the world - an updated list form October 2024.


Still 20 cars in New Zealand, was 21 back in 2015 according to David's lists.

Roger Dowding
02-27-2025, 10:26 PM
According to my recollection the AX69 plate would have been issued in or around Christchurch

Allan, just came across this ;
Christchurch initial issue of plates in 1964 was " AJ1301 to AS6000 ". A total of 94691 plates.
AX69 - was in the series released to Whangarei which got " AV4801 to AX3950 " total of 19148.
Auckland got " AX3951 to BM2250 " the biggest release of 138,286 plates
Wellington had the 3rd biggest Issue " CJ8828 to CQ5600 " at 66771 plates.

This from a newspaper of the Day - as released by the Motor Vehicle Registration Department of the Government - what was its name back in 1964 ?


Roger Dowding
02-28-2025, 12:10 AM
In 1963 the " Canterbury Car Club " held races at the New Brighton Trotting Track, which was closing down.
The Event was a fundraiser for Christchurch - for QE2 Park it is believed [ notes from Allan Dick ].

A photo of one of the Grids for a Race - with a Buckler in the front row - believed to be Merv Mayo - car is two tone.
A real mix of Sports Cars Specials and Saloons - real " Allcomers " event.


The Merv Mayo Buckler - two tone with a Hardtop - 1961 - 64 Plate " 74.464 " - David Montgomery archives


- Merv Mayo Buckler at another time - race #58 - different colour scheme but Jarvie body and looking a bit race-worn.
Is it the same car ? Where and When ? - different grille and a louvred bonnet. No number plate to help identify.
Graham Woods archives;


All three photos have the same style Ford 10 wheels but different windscreens.

Others will know more

02-28-2025, 01:19 PM
I will alert the current owner who may be able to help!
Those wheels were known as Ballamy wheels, 15", and I am told made from Vauxhall ones, pressed t different offset (by a man who claimed to have been doing the job)

Roger Dowding
02-28-2025, 09:38 PM
To follow on from post #286, here is the car when I owned it in Dunsandel, 1970. I think the plate number is AI...77308

" Those wheels were known as Ballamy wheels, 15", and I am told made from Vauxhall ones, pressed to different offset (by a man who claimed to have been doing the job) "

Are they the same wheels as on your car Rhys, they look like it. ?

Must look at other Bucklers and Specials of the time.

03-02-2025, 06:16 PM
Yes Roger, they are. They were a desirable fit for many in the UK. I don't have any decent photos of many showing them, but from what I read the Ivy Stephenson car had them, certainly has now.
I have no idea how many of the NZ cars had them. My ones had also been banded and I would guess at Jolly Wide Wheels based on the colour.

Roger Dowding
03-05-2025, 07:34 PM
Not a Buckler, described as a ' 1958 " Custombuilt " Mistral Sports ' - Current Registration since 1991. but Carjam shows 1958 Mistral Sports.
Ferris De Joux style body.

Photo by Nigel Watts at a recent VCC event.

Does anyone know more about the car.


Last enquiry on Carjam in 2023 - so did it change hands then ?.

** A bit more;
When Bob Blackburn [ in Christchurch ] went on to produce the " Puma " in 1960 he sold the " Mistral " business to Dunedin company " Emslie and Flockton ".
Around the same " George and Ashton " - also in Dunedin began building the " Tiki " - again a body to go a chassis - usually Ford 10, but Triumph TR2 and others were used, as well as Custom builds.

There is an interesting article here in Pressreader on the History of the Mistral and its NZ connection.
Like Buckler quite a few Mistral cars were in NZ being built here.

" https://www.pressreader.com/australia/new-zealand-classic-car/20191014/284709093599000?fbclid "

The article is from NZ Classic Car, unsure which issue. " pressreader " says 14 October 2019.

Thanks to Digby Paape for the link.

On further reading the Mistral Chassis, was a New Zealand creation as Microplas the creator of the Mistral bodies did not build or design chassis, the body was designed for going on to Ford 10, Triumph TR2, and custom chassis.

A drawing of the NZ Chassis from Weltex. part of an Advert for Bob Blackburns Weltex, when building the Mistral.