View Full Version : New member from Sydney

Terry S
08-15-2013, 03:34 AM
My first post. I am in Sydney and have been a spectator for too long. My first meeting was December 1962 at Warwick Farm watching Bob Jane in his Jaguar win the AJC TRophy. I attended nearly every meeting there until it sadly closed. Also attended a lot at Amaroo and Oran Park. Don't like Eastern Creek as you can't see anything, and certainly would not go to Homebush Olympic Park.
Have too many magazines and models now from over the years.

Steve Holmes
08-15-2013, 04:13 AM
Hi Terry, welcome to The Roaring Season. Its great to have you here. Hope you enjoy your time here, and feel free to jump in and contribute at any time. We're a pretty friendly little community here. Have you taken many photos over the years from all those events you've attended?