View Full Version : Hi from Auckland

07-31-2013, 10:06 AM
Hi all.
Figured I should contribute with pics as The Roaring Season was the best source of info when writing commentary notes for Leadfoot Festival.
I was born into motorsport with my dad working for the Masport Escort Team and my mum being a Millen.
Yeah, that's about all.

Rod Grimwood
08-02-2013, 10:16 PM
Hello Karl, remember when you were born, welcome aboard, you may be younger than us but you will have the knowledge and contacts.

What is it Karl Uncles Mazda RX3 or Escort.

Steve Holmes
08-15-2013, 04:06 AM
Hi Karl, welcome aboard! Its great to have you here. Good to know you've been able to use this site and some of the info on it. Thats what its here for. Hope you enjoy the ride.