View Full Version : Kennet/Dunlop/Haig etc Mustang
06-06-2011, 12:29 AM
I have been hunting for info, pictures etc, on this '67 Mustang, which I remember from my youth.
It has been well documented overall I guess, but there is little on the period from when Kevin Haig had it thru to Bob Slade and Rob Kennard, when it raced in OSCA;
The era I remember.
From my understanding it went from being Boss 302 powered to having a 351W based Gurney Weslake Ford.
The last time I personally saw the car, it was sitting in an Amberley garage, about to get an injected Big Block Chev fitted. I don't think this ever eventuated.
Can anyone fill in any blanks?
Jac Mac
06-08-2011, 03:01 AM
Rodney, one thing that has come to mind since our last email session on this car, I remember talking with Rod McElrea @ a Teretonga OSCA round & he had had a problem with the oil pump drive shaft or gear in the Boss 302 motor in the Ex Fahey/Riley/Armstrong car, Im fairly sure he told me at the time that it was the motor out of Kevins old car as it had a unique oil pump setup, When he bought the MKIV Cortina off me this engine was transplanted into it as he bought the Boss 302 headers from my motor at the same time since those in the mustang would not have fitted. When the Haig car was raced by Christie Morris the following season it was fitted with one of the 5? Boss 302's that PDL had bought in from the USA, as I pointed out to you I believe Lawrie Bruce might have actually bought that motor as a year or two later he offered me the twin dominator manifold the motor was fitted with.
Jac Mac
06-10-2011, 11:08 PM
NZ Boss, I have the Mustang in this pic recorded as Dexter Dunlop, but to be honest some of my recollections are faded with age. Its January 1974, Pukekohe, being chased by Peter Sundberg.
Have I got the right car?
06-10-2011, 11:21 PM
Thanks Jac. Good to see you on board!
06-10-2011, 11:23 PM
Yes Shane, That is the car! That is when Kevin Haig had it.
What else do you have?......
06-11-2011, 08:02 AM
NZBoss, I'll look through the image files but I think that's the only one, shame as it shows only half the car.
Rod Grimwood
06-11-2011, 09:12 AM
I have a couple of photos in some folders of Haig in car, it is red and white. maybe drop me your email and i can send them too you.
06-16-2011, 05:13 AM
Thanks Rod.
It would be appreciated. Rodney
12-07-2011, 02:33 AM
Has anybody got photos of this car when Dexter first ran it?
bob homewood
12-07-2011, 05:04 AM
I have some of it at Baypark 71 and Pukekohe 72 ,email me if i can help
Rod Grimwood
12-08-2011, 07:21 AM
Bob the photo you have at Baypark is it with the elongated axle or standard.
bob homewood
12-08-2011, 07:40 AM
Somewhere I have got that photo ,the one with the wide track rear axle ,but as it featured in the magazines I am sure it will be subject to copyright
Steve Holmes
07-10-2012, 11:21 PM
Dale Mathers sent me this photo today, of Ian Easton in the ex-Kennett/Dunlop/Haig etc Mustang. Can anyone shed light on where this photo was taken? Easton is a North Island resident, but I thought this car remained in the South Island from the time Haig bought it off Dunlop right through until when Garry Doyle bought it in the 1980s and restored it for historic racing.
07-11-2012, 11:22 AM
Would this be the same car or another;
Steve Holmes
07-11-2012, 08:05 PM
Yes I believe it is Tony, the pic you posted being much later in the cars career.
07-11-2012, 08:28 PM
Is this the Shelby car now in the Bowden collection ,featured in Muscle Cars this month
Steve Holmes
07-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Not sure about it being in a magazine, but yes, the Bowdens bought this car and the similar Shelby Mustang originally raced in NZ by Norm Barry and Red Dawson, but the Barry/Dawson car was sold back to NZ a few years ago. The car in this thread has quite a bit of Trans-Am history prior to ending up in NZ, thus making it more important internationally.
07-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Just got my copy of AMC Mag and there is a great article on this car. Also an opportunity to let you know I have another hundred or so photos for Steve H to put on this great site.I am going to send or take them to Photobridge in new jersey {only 1.5 hours from where i live in Delaware] sometime soon.There is some Nissan 500 stuff from wellington and some rally action from mid 80s. will have them all put on DVD and send to Steve Holmes. also want to throw something out. In the same AMC issue and ex Dunlop mustang article it mentions that the ex Bryan/Dawson shelby is back in NZ. Is it in hiding?Havn't seen anything about it in Mags or on this site.Would love to know if it is coming out so all can see??
Steve Holmes
07-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Steve, I'm looking forward to seeing those photos. Yes, you are correct re the Mustang. The Bowdens sold it to Nigel MacDonald in NZ. It was on display at the Chris Amon Festival last year. Its currently plain white. It'll likely get restored to its Dawson colour scheme.
Rod Grimwood
07-12-2012, 08:17 AM
This was at Hampton Festival (note the name so mummy did not know)
Rod Grimwood
07-12-2012, 08:20 AM
Another before it came back
07-12-2012, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the photo Rod.Im pretty sure it didn't have the fuel cap on the boot when Dawson raced it,not in my photos anyway.It totally amazes me how these cars get totally restored after getting so chopped up later in their racing careers!! Would make a good story. perhaps Steve H could put it on his to do list? I think all the Mustangs racing in NZ/AUST in the 60s/70s are all accounted for now?
Steve Holmes
07-12-2012, 07:52 PM
Steve, I don't think the Dawson car was really modified at all after he raced it, unlike the Kennett/Dunlop/Haig car, which kept racing well into the 1980s in OSCA, and kept getting upgraded to stay competitive. The Dawson car was sold to a South Island racer, who possibly did one season in OSCA, then I think it ended up as a drag car. But I don't think the bodywork was hacked about much, if at all.
camaroman slp
09-21-2013, 11:54 AM
I am sure Lawrence Bruce needs to be given credit,as he owned and raced the mustang after (kevin Haig) and painted it blue then sold to Chris Morris a PDL motors car salesman it was painted beautifully in flame red with robin officer flared guards as on the PDL mustang 1 then vanished for some time and went to Bob slade painted white and then Rob Kennard white with blue stipes then went to Australia and restored to an original car.
09-21-2013, 08:36 PM
Would this be the same car or another;
1982 NZGP meet
09-21-2013, 10:50 PM
Timaru 1974
camaroman slp
09-21-2013, 11:13 PM
Yes I believe it is. This is when Rob Kennard owned and raced it in this picture. It was Kennards first race car to gain experience in osca saloons. Bob Slade raced and owned it before him. He is now living in USA building race engines. Kennard then probably stripped the Mustang of its engine and possibly gearbox. The engine had gurney Westlake heads on it and probably fuel injection. Rob Kennard then built his Cortina putting the motor out of the Mustang in it. I hope some one can shed some light on this and confirm. Cheers ex pat kiwi, Alistair (Christchurch)
camaroman slp
09-21-2013, 11:22 PM
Fantastic photo need more of these to keep the thread going thanks. An Osca Fan
09-22-2013, 04:25 AM
You have your facts right camaroman.
I last saw the '67 as a rolling shell after Rob Kennard had sold to a guy in Amberley, North Canterbury.
From there is went to Palmerston North or thereabouts.
It would be great to see more pictures from the Haig, Christy Morris, Bob Slade etc era.
I remember it running a Boss 302 on Webers initially, then the Gurney Weslake.
Any 'under the hood' pictures out there?
09-22-2013, 06:46 AM
2 shots by Kevin Thomson at Teretonga 1973
Steve Holmes
09-22-2013, 07:15 AM
Thanks for bringing these pics of Kevin's into this thread Sean. That last shot is superb.
Steve Holmes
09-22-2013, 07:15 AM
Really fantastic photo Woody. I've not the car in this colour before. Thanks heaps for posting.
Jac Mac
09-22-2013, 08:49 AM
Had a bit to do with Kevin while he was building motors for Inky's Camaro & Capri, plus he was very helpful with info for my own Boss302. Motor in car at time of purchase from Dexter Dunlop had to have major rebuild shortly after purchase by Kevin, then Im not aware of any major issues during his ownership, but he was fastidious in regard to maintenance, lots of valve lash checks- always looking for trouble rather than letting it find him. Not sure how long into Lawries ownership that motor lasted, but remember Lawrie trying to sell me a dual Dominator manifold from his 'new' motor which turned out to be one of the 5 F&D motors bought in by PDL, then I think Christy Morris might have used another of those while he had the car.
Bob Slade would have been first to use GW headed motor, followed by Rob Kennard.
Pretty sure car was also painted pink & white at some time during Lawrence Bruce ownership
09-27-2013, 12:13 AM
Borrowed from this page Early O.S.C.A saloons, 1971-75 era, any pics out there b/w or colour? from this site, Brude driving said car.
02-07-2014, 11:25 AM
Yes I believe it is. This is when Rob Kennard owned and raced it in this picture. It was Kennards first race car to gain experience in osca saloons. Bob Slade raced and owned it before him. He is now living in USA building race engines. Kennard then probably stripped the Mustang of its engine and possibly gearbox. The engine had gurney Westlake heads on it and probably fuel injection. Rob Kennard then built his Cortina putting the motor out of the Mustang in it. I hope some one can shed some light on this and confirm. Cheers ex pat kiwi, Alistair (Christchurch)
The original engine in Rob Kennard's Cortina was a 366 cu in Ford Cleveland with the GW heads. This was later replaced by a 347 cu in Ford SVO Windsor block (low deck 302 block with 3.4" crank) engine which had serious horsepower despite giving away cubic capacity to other competitors.
AFAIK, Rob never used fuel injection, induction was 4 x 48IDA Weber's on the Cleveland and at different times both a 4bbl Holley and the IDA's on the SVO motor.
02-07-2014, 10:10 PM
I sometimes ran into Rob Kennard at car shows and swaps in LA over the years, bit of a character!! I just heard recently he’s the Sheriff of some small town up in the high desert above Los Angeles!!
Dale M
Steve Holmes
02-07-2014, 11:04 PM
Yep thats right Dale, there was an article about him in NZ Hot Rod mag a few years ago. He is a long time hot rodder. I can't recall the town he is Sheriff of, though according to the article its pretty laid back with little crime.
Rod Grimwood
02-08-2014, 09:51 PM
Yep thats right Dale, there was an article about him in NZ Hot Rod mag a few years ago. He is a long time hot rodder. I can't recall the town he is Sheriff of, though according to the article its pretty laid back with little crime.
Now theres a new 'Tui" billboard
camaroman slp
02-09-2014, 10:12 AM
:)Amazing rebuild im a great fan of this car being an early Osca entry. It has so much history in the south island we would love to see some photos when it was owned by PDL car sales man (Christie Morris) I think it looked its best in Bright Red painted by a clever christchurch craftsman spray painter (Wazza) who also painted the mustang white with blue stripes for Bob Slade.I am sure some people must have photos of it being bright red ????????????????????????
02-09-2014, 10:12 PM
Rob Kennard Cortina NZ Hot Rod Magazine May 1989.23620
02-09-2014, 10:13 PM
02-09-2014, 10:13 PM
02-09-2014, 10:14 PM
02-09-2014, 10:15 PM
02-09-2014, 10:15 PM
02-09-2014, 10:16 PM
02-09-2014, 10:16 PM
02-09-2014, 10:17 PM
Jac Mac
02-13-2014, 09:42 PM
:)Amazing rebuild im a great fan of this car being an early Osca entry. It has so much history in the south island we would love to see some photos when it was owned by PDL car sales man (Christie Morris) I think it looked its best in Bright Red painted by a clever christchurch craftsman spray painter (Wazza) who also painted the mustang white with blue stripes for Bob Slade.I am sure some people must have photos of it being bright red ????????????????????????
I have a b&w pic here of the mustang ( I think ) taken at the end of main straight/Ruapuna old circuit, car has #7 & Chilli Bags signage, I thought it should be Christie Morris, but title on pic has driver named as Brent Hamilton. Photo has Frank Ryan, Dave Waldron , Kevin Ryan & myself, IIRC Christie had sold the car just before end of that season, pic was taken by Don Elvy ChCh. Mustang has cowl entry scoop & front airdam as per Slade/Kennard pics, but with what should be the Red paintwork I remember from that season.
John McKechnie
02-13-2014, 10:20 PM
Always great to see new pics from that period.
02-13-2014, 10:51 PM
I'm pretty sure the first time I saw this car, I was biking to high school (1978?) and it was sitting on a trailer in Bob's driveway (Horseshoe Lake Rd in Shirley). Remember it being white. A few years later when I was a time keeper at Wigram, I took a photo of it (with the blue stripes) on the starting grid. Must pull finger and dig out the photo(s).
Rod Grimwood
02-13-2014, 10:55 PM
The Cortina is in south and in company of other well known cars from yeaster year. Hope to spend some time down with owner and check his fridge and collection at some time soon.
camaroman slp
02-14-2014, 10:54 AM
:)Great to see the the souths fastest tin top car at the time in the hands of KB Hot bread shops Founder Kim Buckley.It was so hard for Kim to take up the running of the ex Kennard Cortina as he had so many problems with the car including the osca rule changes from fuel injection to 4 barrel he also had fuel surge problems with the car.Rob Kennard went to the USA leaving the car in a mystery place eventually being put up for sale but with no Rob Kennard for tuitoring and hands on guidance for its future with Kim Buckley.I have heard Steve Ross has bought it from Kim, although i thought Kim would have always kept it for historic Racing.Steve Ross being the new owner will hopefully put it back out on the track real soon.Kim Buckley needs top marks for his hard road to Osca racing, spending lots of money and time to keep the Cortina out there with much help from friends and helpers to keep it racing consistently
We would love to see some photos of the Cortina when Kim Buckley owned and raced the car. ??????????
camaroman slp
05-26-2014, 10:38 AM
RED Mustang photos wanted while driven and owned by Christie Morris when he worked for PDL motors who also sponsored it before it went to Bob Slades ownership and it was painted white with blue stripes
05-26-2014, 07:01 PM
I saw this car a couple of months back, in the basement of Steve Ross, still painted in KB Bakery colours as it last raced.
Steve and a mate of his are working on this car now so it won't be too far away?
camaroman slp
12-05-2014, 11:10 PM
Steve Ross can you put up some pictures of car or work in progress as the Cortina was the fastest tin top in the country.
Great to see you own it.
I thought Kim would have kept it due historic racing on the increase.
When will it make it debut ?
Hope to see it racing at
camaroman slp
12-05-2014, 11:15 PM
Can any one else put some photos of Kims,KBs hot bread shop Cortina.
camaroman slp
12-22-2014, 07:20 AM
Can we see some photos of the purchase and rebuild of the Kevin Haig -- Bob Slade -- Rob Kennard Mustang by the Bowdens Australia. This car has a fantastic colourful history.
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