View Full Version : Lotus Super 907

06-10-2013, 07:25 AM
G'day everyone,

I came across this website while trying to find information on a Steel Brothers 907 which my old man Andrew Grundy owned until he passed away from cancer at the start of this year and have joined up hoping someone will be able to help me out with the history of this car. Plenty of good reads I've seen on here already as well so very glad I came across this site! The 907 has been sitting in a friend's farm shed in Hindon since roughly 1994 when we left Middlemarch to Invercargill until I picked it up just recently. I haven't seen a Steel Bros plate attached to the bulkhead which surprised me but may make sense as I think it is a prototype 907? I've heard bits and pieces about the car over the years but haven't really got a clear idea at all of its history before dad owned it. Anyway here are some photos of the car taken today.

I'm dead keen to know this old weapon's story so any help with history I'd appreciate very much.



Paul Wilkinson
06-10-2013, 08:42 AM
http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu55/prw007/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros5.jpg (http://s633.photobucket.com/user/prw007/media/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros5.jpg.html)

http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu55/prw007/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros4.jpg (http://s633.photobucket.com/user/prw007/media/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros4.jpg.html)

Paul Wilkinson
06-10-2013, 08:50 AM
I'm not sure how much of this relates to the Super 907 and how much to the Escape. It looks like they were essentilly the same car with different guards etc. This missing pages are at:

http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu55/prw007/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros2.jpg (http://s633.photobucket.com/user/prw007/media/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros2.jpg.html)

http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu55/prw007/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros11.jpg (http://s633.photobucket.com/user/prw007/media/Steel%20Brothers%20Escape%20and%20Super%20907/SteelBros11.jpg.html)

06-10-2013, 09:24 AM
Thanks for pointing out the articles! I didn't realise that there was a lotus 7 forum, probably should have posted this on that instead I guess. I gather from this the car I have was one of the prototypes destined for America or for testing in NZ and ended up being abandoned before being totally finished? Is it from Gisborne?

Paul Wilkinson
06-10-2013, 10:20 PM
By this stage they were no longer allowed to be called 'Lotus' as the licencing arrangement was specifially for the S4. I imagine that would have greatly reduced their marketability and Steel Brothers (probably wisely) decided to stick to their knitting. There is some more info on the '7' forum. If you want to message me either here or there I can give you contact details for people who were there and had a hand in building the cars.

Paul Wilkinson
06-10-2013, 10:29 PM
Hi Ben,

It's a neat car and important car. I hope you don't mind but I have 'stolen' your pictures to repost. If you do mind, I will obviously remove my postings. I would love to see more pictures though.



06-13-2013, 06:28 AM
Thanks Paul, yeah no worries at all, what's your email address? I'll send you some better photo's. Sounds good, would love to talk to anyone involved in it back in the day. Would be good to get a better idea of whats happened around the windscreen supports to get that back to spec as well!