04-23-2013, 07:15 AM
On Friday 17th May the eight HMC cars that are going to race in Queensland in June/July will be having a testing session from 12 noon to 4.30pm at Hampton Downs. Tony Roberts and Chris Watson have hired us the circuit at a very good rate, and in appreciation for that, we are going to invite other HMC cars and some `invitation only' log booked cars to come along as well. The cost is $150 per car for the afternoon, and it`ll be in 20 minute sessions. We are going to restrict the numbers to 20 cars. Please email your interest to Dale at or me at It`ll be a good opportunity for an afternoon off work, do some skids, and support HMC.
Steve Holmes
04-24-2013, 02:36 AM
This is awesome! I hope people get along to HD and cheer the guys on.
What a fantastic event the Trans-Tasman Challenge at QR and Lakeside will be.
John McKechnie
04-24-2013, 02:42 AM
You can bet that XA Smurf will be there giving the boys full support.
04-24-2013, 11:03 PM
Go HMC! What a cool class.
05-08-2013, 06:18 AM
I`ve had a few enquiries from guys with no roll cages wanting to do some skids at our test afternoon. As I explained to one today, there are plenty of normal track days to go to, we don`t want the responsibility for someone coming undone, getting hurt, stuffing it up for us, etc, etc. Come and support HMC by all means, but no cage, no skids.
John McKechnie
05-08-2013, 06:43 AM
Steve E- good call, its your party and it is a special test meeting for the boys going over and not a normal outing
05-08-2013, 08:59 AM
There several in the HSS(Historic Small Saloons) coming along!! a fun friendly day out!! as for the weather, we'll see!!
Dale M
05-08-2013, 09:02 AM
There several in the HSS(Historic Small Saloons) coming along!! a fun friendly day out!! as for the weather, we'll see!!
But yes, must be "rollcaged" race cars
Dale M
Might just wander down to wave!
05-12-2013, 04:05 AM
Have we got a Chief Photographer with some ability for a few hours next Friday afternoon please? I`m sure we`ll all buy some photos.
If I make it down, happy to take as many pics as you want, but I can't yet guarantee to be there.
05-15-2013, 07:37 AM
Looks like a shitty wet day Friday, but i will be there!! along with a few others!! maybe a good time to sit around for a chat!!
Dale M
05-15-2013, 08:29 AM
Dale, I think the Met Service must be powered by Ford - quite unreliable! - it`ll be fine!
05-15-2013, 08:40 PM
Dale, I think the Met Service must be powered by Ford - quite unreliable! - it`ll be fine!
Speaking of reliability, didn't the US govt bail out GM because of their unreliability as a business!!!!!!
05-15-2013, 10:23 PM
That was just a clever strategy by GM to get money from the Government, which Fix Or Repair Daily didn't think of.
05-15-2013, 10:39 PM
First On Race Day didn't need to. Business was booming and with good business strategies was able to survive without a handout. Speaking of repairs how is that 7 cylinder corvette coming on!!!!!!!
John McKechnie
05-16-2013, 08:17 AM
Would someone from HD area of Waikato like to give this site an hourly update tomorrow from 8.00am on to help us travellers understand what weather we will have there ?
05-16-2013, 05:54 PM
Would someone from HD area of Waikato like to give this site an hourly update tomorrow from 8.00am on to help us travellers understand what weather we will have there ?
Friday - 7am Weather fine, light cloud, temp +/-12 deg no sign of rain yet
John McKechnie
05-16-2013, 06:13 PM
Thanks for the early start Frosty5, all fingers crossed
05-16-2013, 06:32 PM
FORD... frightened of rainy days!!
05-16-2013, 06:45 PM
FORD... frightened of rainy days!!
There must be some sunshine in Auckland. The bright sparks are out!!!!!
05-16-2013, 07:03 PM
FORD... frightened of rainy days!!
CHEV.... Chuck Heave Eventually Vomit :)
Howard Wood
05-16-2013, 07:06 PM
Would someone from HD area of Waikato like to give this site an hourly update tomorrow from 8.00am on to help us travellers understand what weather we will have there ?
John, here in rural Sth Auckland there is high cumulus cloud heading south and its very still. You might be lucky and get some dry running this morning but looks like the rain isn't too far away.
Best you get out there sooner than later!
05-16-2013, 07:08 PM
CHEV.... Chuck Heave Eventually Vomit :)
Weather - Cloud clearing, sun out, temp 14, no rain in sight. Might be a black cloud arriving about midday in the form of a dark coloured General!!!!!!!!!!!
John McKechnie
05-16-2013, 07:43 PM
Weathermap right now shows the heavy cloud and rain moving in, good till 11am then rain for five days.
No wet tyres.
My transporter has pulled the pin .
Have fun guys, really wish I was there also
Howard- I dont think we have a sooner here.
But the boys can prepare themselves for Queensland wet weather- test the waterproofing of their cars.
Never seen such heavy rain as in Queensland.
05-16-2013, 08:19 PM
For all those going if it rains(which it will) Nigel MacDonald has kindly offered his apartment for a group get together, Barbee, drinkee's and a general sit around, relax and shoot the bull!! not a bad way to spend a wet friday afternoon so not all is wasted.
See you all there
Dale M
Spitting with rain here, just north of the bridge (9:15am). Doesn't look too flash at all. As it is scheduled noon - 4:30pm test, there is little chance of beating it...
05-16-2013, 08:33 PM
Hi HMC Members.
It's fine at Hampton Downs now and for some little while. If anyone wants to start earlier than 12.00 today you are most welcome to take advantage of the fine morning. Regards Tony Roberts
Now 1pm and still steady rain north of the bridge, so if it is not raining at HD, it will be soon or for quite a time...
05-17-2013, 08:02 AM
Yes it rained, and yes the track was slippery, but those of us that turned up, ventured out and got some laps in. Thanks to Dave Graham ( Frosty5) for his continued support of HMC and a bigger thanks to Nigel MacDonald and Dean Cameron for dragging their Mustangs all the way from Taranaki for a bloody wet afternoon to do some skids. It`s guys like you that make HMC the enjoyable class that it has become.
05-17-2013, 08:09 PM
Yes it rained, and yes the track was slippery, but those of us that turned up, ventured out and got some laps in. Thanks to Dave Graham ( Frosty5) for his continued support of HMC and a bigger thanks to Nigel MacDonald and Dean Cameron for dragging their Mustangs all the way from Taranaki for a bloody wet afternoon to do some skids. It`s guys like you that make HMC the enjoyable class that it has become.
Yes Steve, that is real committment and a big thanks to both for making the effort.
05-17-2013, 10:40 PM
Yes it rained, and yes the track was slippery, but those of us that turned up, ventured out and got some laps in. Thanks to Dave Graham ( Frosty5) for his continued support of HMC and a bigger thanks to Nigel MacDonald and Dean Cameron for dragging their Mustangs all the way from Taranaki for a bloody wet afternoon to do some skids. It`s guys like you that make HMC the enjoyable class that it has become.
Correct Steve, big effort from Nigel and Dean and like the rest of us there yesterday they are "Glass half Full" persons. At least we all got a few wet laps in before it the bad weather really set in!! but above all it was a great afternoon to get everyone together and nice of Nigel and Diana MacDonald to put on a Barbee for everyone in their apartment. Also great to see Tony Roberts join in and will soon be with us in his HMC XUI torana.
It was also a great afternoon to sort out our new "Eligibility form" supplied by our HMC auditor David Graham, we did a practice audit on one of the cars and this was well worth it as at this stage we can remiedy any form issues before we put it into use. At some stage every HMC car will under go a full audit at the track to keep our HMC fleet incheck, so great work David.
Otherwise it was a great allround afternoon(bar the weather)
Dale M
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