View Full Version : Racing Capri's - photo thread
06-02-2011, 11:21 PM
Here are a few photos to start this one off.
06-02-2011, 11:59 PM
06-03-2011, 02:22 AM
Steve Holmes
06-03-2011, 02:32 AM
Where are the photos of the green '74 RS3100 from Mike?
06-03-2011, 03:47 AM
I am pretty sure that the car is a Broadspeed vehicle so they were probably taken at one of the English circuits
06-03-2011, 07:02 PM
This from Brno 1981, copywrite Rudolf Fried
Steve Holmes
06-03-2011, 08:22 PM
Whats the story on the Rennsport car Bruce? Looks mean.
06-04-2011, 12:55 AM
It was a "Random Pic" on another site, I liked to look of it so I backed up a copy, Just in case that site got bombed by terrorists.
06-04-2011, 01:11 AM
now - who is that photographer? The photo is about 1975 ish and its at Manfeild
Steve Holmes
06-04-2011, 01:16 AM
That would be one of the last races Fahey had in the car. Possibly the last.
06-04-2011, 01:18 AM
Last year I was kindly loaded all of Waynes archival photos and videos and copied the lot for him
Heres a few of the Capri... (the SAME Capri!!!) I believe he's working on it again now and might run it again soon.
Steve Holmes
06-04-2011, 01:22 AM
A great car for sure. Mike has posted a shot of it in a very early guise above. Note the lack of large rear wing. When it first debuted at Bay Park in early 1979 it was still in primer black before the white paint appeared.
06-05-2011, 09:28 PM
06-13-2011, 08:04 PM
A few Aussie Sports Sedans from years gone by,
Laurie Attard (
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Brett Curran (
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Craig Wildridge (
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Steve Holmes
06-13-2011, 09:42 PM
Avon Hyde in the Clyde Collins owned Chevy V8 Capri, originally built for Frank Ryan. Where is it now?
Jac Mac
06-13-2011, 11:34 PM
Avon Hyde in the Clyde Collins owned Chevy V8 Capri, originally built for Frank Ryan. Where is it now?
It was bought from a guy in Nelson about four years ago by Allan Pulley from Winton ( About the same time as I was building Pierre Neames Capri ), It had obviosly been lightened & modified considerably from how I remembered it from Frank Ryans & later Paul Kirks ownerships, dont know if Alan still has the car, he had a fairly serious off at Teretonga's hairpin in it at one of the SFOS meetings..
06-13-2011, 11:54 PM
They made a great looking race car, the Capri.
Whoever that photographer is, he needs shooting for those trousers. Oh, wait, we all wore stuff like that (I, ahem, had a replica Starsky and Hutch knitted jacket/jumper).
06-14-2011, 01:46 AM
Perhaps he could take up golf. That way he could still be wearing those trousers today.:)
Steve Holmes
06-14-2011, 03:01 AM
It was bought from a guy in Nelson about four years ago by Allan Pulley from Winton ( About the same time as I was building Pierre Neames Capri ), It had obviosly been lightened & modified considerably from how I remembered it from Frank Ryans & later Paul Kirks ownerships, dont know if Alan still has the car, he had a fairly serious off at Teretonga's hairpin in it at one of the SFOS meetings..
The last time I saw it wwas several years ago when John Heslin still owned it. Still had the original 'works' style flares, but had the big wing on back. But I understand the flares have since been changed? The poor old nail deserves a good home.
What is the Pierre Neames Capri?
Steve Holmes
06-14-2011, 03:02 AM
A few Aussie Sports Sedans from years gone by,
Laurie Attard (
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Brett Curran (
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Craig Wildridge (
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Do you have more info on these cars timbo? The Laurie Attard Capri dates back to the 70s doesn't it?
06-14-2011, 07:43 AM
It was bought from a guy in Nelson about four years ago by Allan Pulley from Winton ( About the same time as I was building Pierre Neames Capri ), It had obviosly been lightened & modified considerably from how I remembered it from Frank Ryans & later Paul Kirks ownerships, dont know if Alan still has the car, he had a fairly serious off at Teretonga's hairpin in it at one of the SFOS meetings..
If this is the Capri Allan Pulley had then Don Elvy bought it back after Allan fixed it with the moulds from our Capri. Don recently sold it to a fella in Ashburton who will have it back on the track at the OSCA 40th Anniversary meeting in Nov.
Rod Grimwood
06-14-2011, 08:11 AM
Heres a couple of photos with a few years between them but same beast. Have more just need to resize.
Think original driver was Bullivant (not sure if same car)
then Baker (in Yellow), Melville, Friend, Borrie and Barnes (red) who has raced it for a long time. What else did it do ?
Rod Grimwood
06-14-2011, 08:13 AM
Sorry meant to mention Stew Wood the photographer, does real good work in North Island , must try and contact as he has a wealth of knowledge.
Jac Mac
06-14-2011, 09:39 AM
Pierres car as it is currently, was white/blue/red originally, will be vastly improved with those wheels hopefully, the first set of SH Simmons were damn near square...:rolleyes:
Steve Holmes
06-14-2011, 09:54 PM
Heres a couple of photos with a few years between them but same beast. Have more just need to resize.
Think original driver was Bullivant (not sure if same car)
then Baker (in Yellow), Melville, Friend, Borrie and Barnes (red) who has raced it for a long time. What else did it do ?
Yep, thats right Rod, Brent Bullivant built that car when he was just 19! Bob Cullinane owned it for a couple of years, I think he purchased it off Baker. Baker fitted the McLaren M10 F5000 wheels when he had it (had BBS prior to that), and I always wondered if these wheels had come off the PDL Mustang I, as this car had similar wheels for many years, and when Steve Ross was restoring PDL I, he advertised that he needed a set of F5000 wheels for the restoration. I think it was Borrie who sold the M10 wheels to an overseas collector who was restoring an F5000.
On top of its many years as a race car, it appeared briefly in the movie Shaker Run:
Steve Holmes
06-14-2011, 09:56 PM
Pierres car as it is currently, was white/blue/red originally, will be vastly improved with those wheels hopefully, the first set of SH Simmons were damn near square...:rolleyes:
Wow Jac, thats a nice looking car! Whats its history? Its left hand drive, has it always been that way or did you build it that way because all the South Island tracks are anti-clockwise?
Jac Mac
06-14-2011, 11:30 PM
It was a former SS2000? car from the Nth Island, previous owners name escapes my perforated memory at moment!. Yes I made it LHD for that reason, really only used the shell as virtually everything previous was tailored around the 13" rims etc. It had a set of the best looking flares Ive ever seen on a Capri when it arrived & I pleaded with Neame to at least take a set of molds off them for future use, but then he arrived in with the 15" wide Simmons & all that went out the window, I must be getting old, between him & Jack Ondrack Ive about had it with race cars...
Wow Jac, thats a nice looking car! Whats its history? Its left hand drive, has it always been that way or did you build it that way because all the South Island tracks are anti-clockwise?
Jac Mac
06-14-2011, 11:34 PM
IIRC those Mclaren wheels off the PDL 1 had been cut & widened in at least two areas of each rim in order to suit that car...
Yep, thats right Rod, Brent Bullivant built that car when he was just 19! Bob Cullinane owned it for a couple of years, I think he purchased it off Baker. Baker fitted the McLaren M10 F5000 wheels when he had it (had BBS prior to that), and I always wondered if these wheels had come off the PDL Mustang I, as this car had similar wheels for many years, and when Steve Ross was restoring PDL I, he advertised that he needed a set of F5000 wheels for the restoration. I think it was Borrie who sold the M10 wheels to an overseas collector who was restoring an F5000.
On top of its many years as a race car, it appeared briefly in the movie Shaker Run:
Steve Holmes
06-15-2011, 08:00 AM
Do you know if they were the same wheels that ended up on the Capri Jac?
Steve Holmes
06-15-2011, 08:01 AM
It was a former SS2000? car from the Nth Island, previous owners name escapes my perforated memory at moment!. Yes I made it LHD for that reason, really only used the shell as virtually everything previous was tailored around the 13" rims etc. It had a set of the best looking flares Ive ever seen on a Capri when it arrived & I pleaded with Neame to at least take a set of molds off them for future use, but then he arrived in with the 15" wide Simmons & all that went out the window, I must be getting old, between him & Jack Ondrack Ive about had it with race cars...
I think I know the car you're talking about, as it raced in SS2000.
Rod Grimwood
06-15-2011, 09:12 AM
Steve : Jesus, how did I forget Mr Cullinane. and yes you did guess "what else did it do" It would have to be one of the most travelled race cars in the country. I Followed it through most of its life, and know Borrie pretty well. He had across the back "Don't worry be Happy" I remember this because he had just got the car and ran it for first time at a club meeting at Puke. First meeting he had driven anything, and he towelled up a well known in first race. The said well known was not impressed with getting passed around the sweeper and reckoned he was cut off. So bounces down pits to sort out this new upstart, well this new upstart when he finally gets out (extracates himself) from car stands about 6ft 6 and about 6ft across shoulders, looks at said well known and says "whats the problem" then silence. Well you could just about smell it in the air and said well known slinked back down pits. Borrie won every race after that and appeared with the sign on back at next meeting and it stayed there. He was a "big" laugh
I will find photos
Jac Mac
06-15-2011, 06:43 PM
If its any help to I.D. the car it had a large amount of damage in the RR corner that had not been pulled out properly, just bogged & paneled over as with coil overs it was not really an issue. Nth Island colur would have been a dirty gold colour IIRC, with BBS lookalike rims.
With regard to the McLaren rims ex PDL1 there may have been more than one set as the tire rack on front of trailer always seemed to have a spare set of slicks plus the wets...
I think I know the car you're talking about, as it raced in SS2000.
Rod Grimwood
07-04-2011, 07:56 AM
Puke McLaren Festival 2010, Amazing to see 2 beauts together. And this is NZ.
Rod Grimwood
07-04-2011, 08:21 AM
2 slightly different cars with 2 different versions of V6. These sound ohh so nice
nigel watts
07-04-2011, 09:54 AM
Never saw these Capri's racing in the 70's but the two at the Hampton Downs festival were superb
07-14-2011, 08:50 PM
That car of Pierre Neame's looks fantastic. Would like to see and hear it racing. The Capri always looked great in racing configuration and there are some stunnimg cars in NZ
Rod Grimwood
07-14-2011, 09:52 PM
Lucky enough to have seen it at the Teretonga Speed Fest early this year. It is a pretty car and makes the right sound and looks nice on the track.
07-15-2011, 08:39 AM
He'll be racing it at all the OSCA rounds this year, lady wigram meeting, Tier 1 sth island rounds plus more.
Rod Grimwood
07-20-2011, 02:19 AM
Mr Borrie at Puke club day, he drove the car very well, still reckon it is one of the best looking and one of the original Capris still doing it. If it could talk it would be interesting.
Heres a couple of photos with a few years between them but same beast. Have more just need to resize.
Think original driver was Bullivant (not sure if same car)
then Baker (in Yellow), Melville, Friend, Borrie and Barnes (red) who has raced it for a long time. What else did it do ?
bob homewood
07-20-2011, 04:58 AM
Rod,you jogged my memory ,I had forgotten about that great tyre that sat there on the apex of that corner for some of the meetings
Rod Grimwood
07-20-2011, 08:36 AM
Didn't that change lap times, don't know if you were there the day it wasn't (the tyre) Manon in his escort 9-10ths and Rutherford 10-10ths in his Mazda and as he (Rutherford) left the concrete all hell let go, it was one of the longest slids i have seen on club curcuit, he went all the way sideways down the out side grass, 2 full locks on and somehow missed that little pinacle that pocked out and ended up backup in to the fence infront of the house on the sweeper. You could smell it for ages, tyres, Poop the lot. That littel club curcuit could tell some stories.
bob homewood
07-20-2011, 08:51 AM
Rod ,I sort of lost Interest when that little circuit went ,I used to love it ,The last time I ran there was with the BDA engine in the space frame Escort ,not sure if you were there ,but all of a sudden with the extra power ( 80hp) and speed I found another corner on the track ,that little kink just after where the bridge had been ,became another corner,I was actually drifting all four wheels through there , for me it was a great day because I also ran my classic MK1 Escort twin cam and managed to get that into the fastest group of cars as well,how do you drive two cars in the same race ?
Rod Grimwood
07-20-2011, 09:36 AM
Yea was there Bob, you dicked me easy and Smythey dealt to me as well that day, mind you 3 escorts in last race not bad, could have been 4 if you could multitask. Talking to Dave up here when fishing last year and he said he still had his car, that was a good car. That little tweak down where the bridge had been was humour in the wet, always step out a bit through there, caught a few. Loved the wet ah, bought the horsepower back. You are right, that little club curcuit was awesome, many a good race on there.
Steve Holmes
07-26-2011, 01:27 AM
Mr Borrie at Puke club day, he drove the car very well, still reckon it is one of the best looking and one of the original Capris still doing it. If it could talk it would be interesting.
Agreed Rod, a great car with a very long history. Never quite reached its potential with Bullivant, but Baker drove the wheels off it.
08-12-2011, 03:44 AM
Another Capri that raced in NZ was the RS2600 that Norris Miles ran for a while. Anyone know what happened to it ?
Rod Grimwood
08-12-2011, 10:43 PM
Tony, do you remember when Rod Millen drove the Norris Miles Capri at a couple of meetings, I remember seeing a photo of him 2 wheeling it at Wigram. He won class etc at a few meetings I think. If I remember it was a left hook wasn't it. White and Green i think.
08-12-2011, 11:29 PM
Unfortunately no I cant remember Rod Millen driving it. Would have been good to see. Yes it was a left hooker but Red and White when I knew Norris. Must ask my brother where Norris is these days.
Just did a Google search and he is involved in the Historic Formula Ford register in England and was running an Ex Mass/Lauda Capri in Historic events there in 2008.
08-12-2011, 11:30 PM
Just found this Link. Probably old news but I found it interesting.
Maybe Mike John can shed some light on Norris and his Capri.
Steve Holmes
08-14-2011, 09:12 PM
Another Capri that raced in NZ was the RS2600 that Norris Miles ran for a while. Anyone know what happened to it ?
Do you have any more info on the car Tony? What type of engine did it race with? One of the Dymond brothers raced an RS2600 Capri in OSCA, fitted with a V8 motor. It was a left hand drive car, with the nice 1972 works flares, so must have been the real deal. I need to go check through my magazines, but there was one advertised for sale in the 70s too. I don't think it had an engine.
08-14-2011, 10:08 PM
Do you have any more info on the car Tony? What type of engine did it race with? One of the Dymond brothers raced an RS2600 Capri in OSCA, fitted with a V8 motor. It was a left hand drive car, with the nice 1972 works flares, so must have been the real deal. I need to go check through my magazines, but there was one advertised for sale in the 70s too. I don't think it had an engine.
I will check with my brother to see if he remembers any more but it only had a 2600cc engine in it and was up against Toranas and Falcons. God I wish I had all the photos I lost, had heaps of shots of it.
Rod Grimwood
08-24-2011, 10:30 PM
Mr Borrie at Puke club day, he drove the car very well, still reckon it is one of the best looking and one of the original Capris still doing it. If it could talk it would be interesting.
And as it is now, this car could just about have it's own thread. Photos borrowed from Capri thread.
12-29-2011, 10:19 PM
FYI the green Capri at the beginning of this thread is a Replica of the Broad speed car that was written off circa 73 or 4
there was an article in Motorsport magazine over here and if you have the $$ you can order a new replica capri
I also recall circa 1990 Classic & Sportscar did an article on the Cologne Capri that is now in NZ
I have found for sale in Germany a Cologne copy with modern Ford V6 from a Scorpio
I have bought from USA 1973 3 litre V6 capri race car built in 79/80 raced once won and was then parked up in barn it will be shipped soon to UK
I also bought all the GAA V6 parts that Swindon engines in UK had around 5 years ago
i have left only some big end shells in wrapper but i do have a V6 metering unit for sale all serviced
12-31-2011, 01:53 AM
Interesting clip. Better if I could understand it though.
01-01-2012, 01:56 PM
this car is a right hooker not an original cologne as they where all left hookers
Rod Grimwood
02-15-2012, 02:49 AM
Think this Mr Dymonds V8 Version at Bay Park.
Steve Holmes
02-15-2012, 04:12 AM
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of that car Rod. Story was it was a genuine left hand drive Cologne Capri RS2600 bodyshell, which Dymand fitted a V8 into.
camaroman slp
02-07-2014, 10:32 AM
:) Wayne Huxford does he still own the meanest looking red capri in NZ.It went through so many body changes witch were all done by its owner being so clever. Im from Christchurch and saw the capri race at Ruapuna a number of times the south island was so lucky you travelled the big miles and the large expence to show the osca boys some big competiton from the North island the car always looked immaculate, we all cant wait to see its return as it was last raced Red with Mothers sponsorship as it put mothers products on the map for NZ.I hope its freshen up is well underway and life is good. all the best Alistair:)
02-07-2014, 11:34 AM
And as it is now, this car could just about have it's own thread. Photos borrowed from Capri thread.
Father and son team who live locally. Graham (Dad) has owned the red Capri for probably 12 years now. I know how much he paid for it, he got an absolute bargain! I doubt he will ever sell it
Mallory Park
Bill Cox. Not sure of the engine size at the time other than it was V8 powered
Goodwood 2004
Dave Giddings car at Ellerslie
Rob Berrgren
I think Neil Tolich was probably the one who started the current trend for 'Perana' Capris...
John Sampson's well campaigned and always immaculate left hand drive RS2600 Capri
This one wasn't quite so pretty by the end of the day...
Ron Findlay at Taupo this year.
Scott Sampson's car is currently for sale on Trade Me. As with all Sampson family's cars, immaculate.
Steve Holmes
02-07-2014, 11:01 PM
Mallory Park
Bill Cox. Not sure of the engine size at the time other than it was V8 powered
Really loving these Super Saloon images Ray. Very cool. Looks like the Bill Cox car was running a 6.2 litre V8 when this was taken:
Do you know who is driving the blue car? Thats a really nice looking car. Possibly Tony Strawson?
Monday April 15th 1974
The blue Tricentrol Capri was driven by Mick Hill. V8 powered - 6000cc.
"Strawberry Strawson" was in the same race but with a 4.7 Gurney Weslake Capri.
The race was won by the Border Reiver's entry of Doug Niven in a 5.7 litre Escort, with Nick Whiting second in a Cosworth 1900cc Escort. Nick went on to win one race at the first ever post war car race at Donington.
This was the first official season of the 'Superloons' and the first visit to the Midlands, sponsored by John Players.
02-08-2014, 09:00 PM
Father and son team who live locally. Graham (Dad) has owned the red Capri for probably 12 years now. I know how much he paid for it, he got an absolute bargain! I doubt he will ever sell it Graham may have got a bargain,but look at what it has cost him in motors over the years to keep this great looking kiwi built car out there.NZ motorsport needs to get behind these cars,put some big dollars out there to get the boys out there again,would there be 20 cars just sitting around it looks to me that most end up down south.
02-09-2014, 05:36 PM
02-09-2014, 05:39 PM
02-09-2014, 10:27 PM
Graham may have got a bargain,but look at what it has cost him in motors over the years to keep this great looking kiwi built car out there.NZ motorsport needs to get behind these cars,put some big dollars out there to get the boys out there again,would there be 20 cars just sitting around it looks to me that most end up down south.
So who are you suggesting should put "some big dollars" out there?
And what for? pay for people to run there cars....
02-09-2014, 10:29 PM
Does anyone know where the Murdoch Capri that did 3 laps of the first Wellington Street Race before arguing with a container went to?
02-09-2014, 11:29 PM
Does anyone know where the Murdoch Capri that did 3 laps of the first Wellington Street Race before arguing with a container went to?
I'm guessing it went to the crusher, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong.
There's a red MkIII Capri that appears occasionally at Manfield, apparently it's an ex-UK race car that's been in NZ for a long time. Anyone know more?
I can post a photo and driver name later.
If it's ex UK, it may be the ex-Mark Babb car.
02-10-2014, 12:16 AM
The shot of Bullivant at Manfield he is leading Lance Newton in his 3.3L Holden engined Escort. Ross do you have anything of the ex Halliday car when Danie Lupp had it? Thats before it went south to John Osborne so 79-80?
02-10-2014, 12:19 AM
Does anyone know where the Murdoch Capri that did 3 laps of the first Wellington Street Race before arguing with a container went to?
It was actually Bill MacFarlane wasn't it? I think it was rebuilt, vague memory it was raced in the second Wellington race and also the B&H series in 86.
02-10-2014, 05:51 AM
If it's ex UK, it may be the ex-Mark Babb car.
Yep that's the one I was thinking of. Thanks ERC.
Last year it was sporting stickers that read 'BARC/RSCC Modified Production Saloon Car Championship' so I guess that's a hint at it's history. Unfortunately I don't have a current owner/driver's name as the only photos I have are from last year's NZGP meeting, where Motorsport NZ thought it was acceptable to provide a race programme without any entry lists (a practice thankfully not repeated this year).
Steve Holmes
02-10-2014, 07:20 AM
Monday April 15th 1974
The blue Tricentrol Capri was driven by Mick Hill. V8 powered - 6000cc.
"Strawberry Strawson" was in the same race but with a 4.7 Gurney Weslake Capri.
The race was won by the Border Reiver's entry of Doug Niven in a 5.7 litre Escort, with Nick Whiting second in a Cosworth 1900cc Escort. Nick went on to win the first ever post war car race at Donington.
This was the first official season of the 'Superloons' and the first visit to the Midlands, sponsored by John Players.
Thanks Ray, a superb looking car!
Steve Holmes
02-10-2014, 07:23 AM
These are superb Ross! I especially love the shot of the Huxford Capri in its early guise. Where was this photo taken?
Yep that's the one I was thinking of. Thanks ERC.
Last year it was sporting stickers that read 'BARC/RSCC Modified Production Saloon Car Championship' so I guess that's a hint at it's history. Unfortunately I don't have a current owner/driver's name as the only photos I have are from last year's NZGP meeting, where Motorsport NZ thought it was acceptable to provide a race programme without any entry lists (a practice thankfully not repeated this year).
The ex UK car is genuine and owned by Andy Oakley from the Wellington area, believe it was purchased from somewhere up Auckland way.
The Bill McFarlane / Wayne Murdoch car from my recollection was repaired and ran at the following years Wellington race and also the B&H series in 86, don't know what happened to it after that.
02-10-2014, 08:04 AM
These are superb Ross! I especially love the shot of the Huxford Capri in its early guise. Where was this photo taken?
Baypark 6th April 1980 (both shots)
02-10-2014, 10:04 AM
So who are you suggesting should put "some big dollars" out there?
And what for? pay for people to run there cars.... Do you want to see them out there.
02-10-2014, 10:29 AM
Do you want to see them out there.
I would love it if someone else would pay me to run my race car! But where is this money going to come from? Do you have an inheritance from a rich relation that you are going to share with the rest of us;)
02-10-2014, 11:24 AM
I would love it if someone else would pay me to run my race car! But where is this money going to come from? Do you have an inheritance from a rich relation that you are going to share with the rest of us;) I was looking at some sprint car racing on sommet sport,if i understand it right $18,000 if you take out the 35 lap main.Who is putting all this money up for these meetings.
02-10-2014, 05:53 PM
I think a Cortina may have sneaked in here - hard to tell
02-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Yep that's the one I was thinking of. Thanks ERC.
Last year it was sporting stickers that read 'BARC/RSCC Modified Production Saloon Car Championship' so I guess that's a hint at it's history. Unfortunately I don't have a current owner/driver's name as the only photos I have are from last year's NZGP meeting, where Motorsport NZ thought it was acceptable to provide a race programme without any entry lists (a practice thankfully not repeated this year).
Last year the entry lists were a separate double A4 folder sheet that was inserted into the programmes. It was a generic programme so at each circuit the fields were different. Yours was either missed or it fell out.
02-10-2014, 07:30 PM
Well; that's a stupid question considering I'm working frantically with Historic classes including the Sports Sedans to ensure they do have a future space and place.
02-10-2014, 07:31 PM
The Sprint car stuff on Sommet TV, Think you will find that is in America?
Steve Holmes
02-10-2014, 07:48 PM
Graham may have got a bargain,but look at what it has cost him in motors over the years to keep this great looking kiwi built car out there.NZ motorsport needs to get behind these cars,put some big dollars out there to get the boys out there again,would there be 20 cars just sitting around it looks to me that most end up down south.
As ideal as it sounds to have a sponsor throw money at a historic class to get the cars on the track together, unfortunately its really not a reality. Historic racing the world over is the same, at the end of the day it comes down to each car owner putting their hand in their pocket and funding the racing themselves. The best you can hope for is that enthusiasts will put in the time and effort to assemble of grid of similar cars, and make it as easy as possible for car owners to come together to produce an interesting show for the punters which is what we've seen with various classes around the world.
02-10-2014, 08:38 PM
The Sprint car stuff on Sommet TV, Think you will find that is in America? No,South Australia Adelaide, Murray Bridge, after the nights racing load up and drive 1200kms to do it all again the next day.They may race 6 nights in 9 days around Australia.
John McKechnie
02-10-2014, 09:20 PM
As ideal as it sounds to have a sponsor throw money at a historic class to get the cars on the track together, unfortunately its really not a reality. Historic racing the world over is the same, at the end of the day it comes down to each car owner putting their hand in their pocket and funding the racing themselves. The best you can hope for is that enthusiasts will put in the time and effort to assemble of grid of similar cars, and make it as easy as possible for car owners to come together to produce an interesting show for the punters which is what we've seen with various classes around the world.
Good time to repeat my view here that it needs more dedication and committment from us, the fans.
If we want to see these cars, we cannot just roll up and complain if they arent there.
Its our heritage and if we want them there, lets help these guys that absolutely need it.
A group of friends/enthusiast adopt a car and help the owner, dont hope for a sponsor for a class.
Most costs are in the getting the car there, entry fees ,tyres,and race gas.
Works out at about a $1000 a meeting, split costs in this group.
Owner will appreciate this and of course many long hours in getting the car ready.
I want 2 months between HSS meetings to enable people to get around the costs and time.
Get a team that makes it work- Reg Cook used this method in the 70s.
Forget the egos,and the cost, remember- Deus ex Machina..........(the car is the god)
Also make sure that Historics are actually racing Historics so these car race against each other instead of being pushed too hard , breaking things, trying to catch more modern technology such as YB and NASCA engines.
And give an up to 13 month ban on drivers that hit other cars to make sure these HSS stay true,straight, and unnecessary expenses are not diverted to unplanned panel repairs even worse if these cars are damaged, they may seen as too valuable to have it happen again or difficult to repair for example the Addis Charger, Algie Monaro, Running RX8, man, the list goes on.These are not 2K cars
My point is- to get enthusiasts involved , then give their car some protection.
02-11-2014, 01:05 AM
If its any help to I.D. the car it had a large amount of damage in the RR corner that had not been pulled out properly, just bogged & paneled over as with coil overs it was not really an issue. Nth Island colur would have been a dirty gold colour IIRC, with BBS lookalike rims.
Yes it was gold and did race in SS2000. I must be getting old too because the drivers name escapes me as well...but will have the details at home somewhere.
Jac Mac
02-11-2014, 04:41 AM
Yes it was gold and did race in SS2000. I must be getting old too because the drivers name escapes me as well...but will have the details at home somewhere.Pretty sure this is the car in question, still dont know who previous owner/s might have been
02-11-2014, 06:01 AM
Pretty sure this is the car in question, still dont know who previous owner/s might have been
That looks a lot like a Capri that used be here in Hawke's Bay about 25years ago. Rego plate KK2000. For some reason the name Tony Wypych comes to mind. Ring any bells?
Steve Holmes
02-11-2014, 06:12 AM
I think a Cortina may have sneaked in here - hard to tell
More awesome pics Ross, thanks heaps. And yes, bottom shot is a Cortina, but thats OK, its a very cool car, built by Roaring Season member Jac Mac, but owned here by Rod McElrea. The body flares on this car have always impressed me. Check the lift of the bonnet on each side!
Jac Mac
02-11-2014, 06:32 AM
That looks a lot like a Capri that used be here in Hawke's Bay about 25years ago. Rego plate KK2000. For some reason the name Tony Wypych comes to mind. Ring any bells?
Yes, that plate rings a bell, & name vaguely, there were some passenger indemnity forms floating around the floor with a signature on them that had a similar looking surname that I couldnt decipher at the time ! Not sure what has happened to the car now since Pierre has moved on to a spaceframe toy. Needed a new floorpan or at least some rework last time I looked at it, Pierre & the boys had been in a hurry to get the box out at some time & taken to the seat area x-member with the air chisel, didnt do much for the shell strength.
02-11-2014, 07:06 AM
so whose is the # 67 Capri Chev?
02-11-2014, 07:48 AM
Good time to repeat my view here that it needs more dedication and committment from us, the fans.
If we want to see these cars, we cannot just roll up and complain if they arent there.
Its our heritage and if we want them there, lets help these guys that absolutely need it.
A group of friends/enthusiast adopt a car and help the owner, dont hope for a sponsor for a class.
Most costs are in the getting the car there, entry fees ,tyres,and race gas.
Works out at about a $1000 a meeting, split costs in this group.
Owner will appreciate this and of course many long hours in getting the car ready.
I want 2 months between HSS meetings to enable people to get around the costs and time.
Get a team that makes it work- Reg Cook used this method in the 70s.
Forget the egos,and the cost, remember- Deus ex Machina..........(the car is the god)
Also make sure that Historics are actually racing Historics so these car race against each other instead of being pushed too hard , breaking things, trying to catch more modern technology such as YB and NASCA engines.
And give an up to 13 month ban on drivers that hit other cars to make sure these HSS stay true,straight, and unnecessary expenses are not diverted to unplanned panel repairs even worse if these cars are damaged, they may seen as too valuable to have it happen again or difficult to repair for example the Addis Charger, Algie Monaro, Running RX8, man, the list goes on.These are not 2K cars
My point is- to get enthusiasts involved , then give their car some protection.
I agree wholeheartedly - these cars are getting precious and the owners aren't getting any younger - offer to help an adopted car/driver combination to help defray the costs and put time into getting the car ready for the track.
Jac Mac
02-11-2014, 08:54 AM
Tonttu, # 67 Chev Capri, IIRC thats the ex Bullivant Capri with Graham Baker driving
Quite right Malcolm-the gold Capri belonged to Tony Wypych. He used to live in Hastings but is no longer in the HB phone book.
02-12-2014, 01:05 AM
Quite right Malcolm-the gold Capri belonged to Tony Wypych. He used to live in Hastings but is no longer in the HB phone book.
The White Pages ( lists a T Wypych in Wellington.
Could well be the same person-Wypych is not a very common name though it is still more common than another NZ racer from a few years back with the surname Witsche Rudzvecuis.
Here's some photo's I took at the Denny Hulme Festival
02-13-2014, 08:09 AM
Tonttu, # 67 Chev Capri, IIRC thats the ex Bullivant Capri with Graham Baker driving
thanks Jac Mac of course it is, another senior moment!
Steve Holmes
02-18-2014, 02:01 AM
The shot of Bullivant at Manfield he is leading Lance Newton in his 3.3L Holden engined Escort. Ross do you have anything of the ex Halliday car when Danie Lupp had it? Thats before it went south to John Osborne so 79-80?
I can't help with a photo of the whole car sorry Sean, but here is an engine bay shot when fitted with the Jag V12.
John McKechnie
02-18-2014, 02:55 AM
A Weber st up like that is rare. In 98-99 I trimmed a XJ6 Jag for a guy Fred, helicopter engineer . It had a v12 and this weber set up, and it was off a racing car. Does anyone know if it was the one ?
Steve Holmes
02-18-2014, 03:25 AM
This Weber set-up was apparently out of a Porsche John.
02-18-2014, 07:39 AM
Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
There was this Essex V6 Capri in the Clubmans Saloons, loving that it still had the vinyl roof on it!
Rod Grimwood
02-18-2014, 07:56 AM
Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
There was this Essex V6 Capri in the Clubmans Saloons, loving that it still had the vinyl roof on it!
Tony Mann's Capri looks real good, love it. well done Tony that is trick and a lot of work I bet.
John McKechnie
02-18-2014, 08:05 AM
Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?
02-18-2014, 08:13 AM
Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?
Yup, it's a replica of it
02-18-2014, 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by John McKechnie
Would that be Clyde Collins Fordina next to the Capri?
Yup, it's a replica of it
Built and raced by his son Adam...
pole pot
02-18-2014, 11:50 PM
Pierres car as it is currently, was white/blue/red originally, will be vastly improved with those wheels hopefully, the first set of SH Simmons were damn near square...:rolleyes:
O M G, what have they done! : (
pole pot
02-19-2014, 12:10 AM
Quite right Malcolm-the gold Capri belonged to Tony Wypych. He used to live in Hastings but is no longer in the HB phone book.
Hi, this is Tony Wypych, in Napier.
That is indeed my beloved gold Capri.
Built and owned by me, 1981 - 2001.
Jac Mac
02-19-2014, 12:22 AM
Hi, this is Tony Wypych, in Napier.
That is indeed my beloved gold Capri.
Built and owned by me, 1981 - 2001.
Hi Tony, The Simmons I mentioned were not the wheels that you had used on the car ( which were Hallidays IIRC and ended up in John Abbots collection of parts), but a set that Pierre had procured ( 15" ) to use on the V8 conversion, I had noticed they were out of round during the build process and was led to believe that they had been repaired, found out that had not happened 'yet' the first time I test drove it at Teretonga and steering wheel had a mind of its own.:)
Steve Holmes
02-19-2014, 12:24 AM
Tony Mann had the Capri down at Speedfest, was great to see it back in the original Cardinal colour scheme
What is the history of this Capri? Was this the old Ian Shrimpton car from the early 1980s?
Jac Mac
02-19-2014, 12:31 AM
What is the history of this Capri? Was this the old Ian Shrimpton car from the early 1980s?
I believe its the original Jim Kennedy (Greymouth ), Bob Slade and others OSCA car, would have to do some research on this though.
If my understanding is correct he must have this car + the ex Frank Ryan Capri + the Alec Dickie Victor + the Sidchrome Imp ( Brian Patrick-Jim Richards ).
One of these days I must make a post on this thread with ALL the owners of the SI V8 OSCA stuff, perhaps make it a sticky & that way I could edit it as reqd as info comes in.
Steve Holmes
02-19-2014, 12:45 AM
Thanks for this Jac. So this car really has some history! I vaguely recall it raced by Shrimpton in the early '80s, as the flares are quite unique, but I didn't realise it had such a long career prior to this. Could this be the first V8 powered Capri race car in NZ?
Yes I think you are right about Tony having the ex-Ryan car, plus the Jenkins Victor and the Imp.
We have an OSCA database thread in which the histories of some of these cars are posted, and it'd be awesome if you could post what you know in here, be really fascinating reading:
Rod Grimwood
02-19-2014, 12:52 AM
Is the ex Ryan etc car the blue one.
Steve Holmes
02-19-2014, 12:59 AM
Yes I think so Rod, though just to confuse things, the car pictured above was also painted blue up until just recently.
Rod Grimwood
02-19-2014, 02:45 AM
I am confused as well, as Tony sent me a photo of the blue car in a spot of bother a little while back.
Rod Grimwood
02-19-2014, 02:55 AM
I am confused as well, as Tony sent me a photo of the blue car in a spot of bother a little while back.
Just been through my emails and it is same car, Tony sent me amazing last photo of it 'flying' in blue colours.
Will contact Tony before posting.
Email sent Dec.2013
Do you mean this capri???
Main straight of levels a year ago…. Not good, has gone through a big rebuild done by myself, will send you a up to date photo soon,
Have repainted it back to cardinal network colours it ran in the 80”s
Rod Grimwood
02-19-2014, 07:42 AM
I have been in contact with Tony and he has answered some of the time questions about the car, number 1 being the time that his accident happened.
This from email that Tony kindly sent.
In regard to photo, amazing shot and thanks that Tony was not knocked too bad and is such a keen person.
Yes you can post it, the photo as you say is a great photo,
Although the photo shows high impact the car was not too badly damaged, the
grill in the car now is the same and the radiator was totally untouched.
Bonnet only had a small corner broken, and no damage to suspension at all.
The tyre wall was 4 empty tyres deep before solid fill tyres, the car sort
of collapsed the first 2 tyres and then belly flopped onto the top of the
other 2 tyres, where it came to rest.
It took a good 3 months for me to recover from the crash, nothing broken but
my vision was cloudy for quite some time.
Even though I was not 100 % I started the rebuild the day I got home after
the crash, and kept working on it almost every day for 2 years.
The repair was only about 5 months but I decided to restore , which took 2
The car was built by Jim Kennedy of the West Coast, Jim owned the Ford
Dealership of there, Jim ran the car with" Greymouth Motors" on front
windscreen as I have also done to give reference to him and his time.
Photos of this can be seen in the 40 years of osca forum posted here.
Then Bob Homewood, and Bob Slade worked and ran the car,
I'll have to check my records of all the other drivers were, Shrimpton?? etc
Mike Fitzgerald raced the car with Cardinal sponsorship in 88-90, in this
time he won the osca championship.
I always liked the car in the colour scheme so decided to restore to this,
it looked good then and looks bloody good now.
Ok better go out to the garage, loosing valuable time,
This email from Tony a little time later:
Just read TRS, Jac Mac is correct it is the Shrimpton car,
Also after Mike ran the car he sold it and Jim Bolt of Queenstown ended up
with it, it sat in his shed for 17 years, I purchased it from him in 2005-6
It was once painted purple / red and had radio Avon sponsorship?? Don't know
who ran it though.
Now you South Island boys let fill the gaps, sounds like this car has a very long history and thanks to Tony's efforts is still here for all of us to enjoy.
02-19-2014, 09:11 AM
A Weber st up like that is rare. In 98-99 I trimmed a XJ6 Jag for a guy Fred, helicopter engineer . It had a v12 and this weber set up, and it was off a racing car. Does anyone know if it was the one ?
A bit off the subject , but in 1980 I attended the Country Gents event at Wigram.
Sybil Lupp was there in her V12 E Type and she proudly showed us the engine they had been modifying to give it a little more "performance".
The car was an unusual colour which she explained was the same as that of a favorite gown of hers, a sample of which she had sent to the factory for matching.
camaroman slp
02-19-2014, 11:08 AM
I thought the Bob Slade capris next owner was the Alec and Rob Farrer from Safa toolboxes who raced it at wigram painted white and red it was ford powered then they started a major rebuild including the wide body cologne flared gaurds and going to repower it with a Chev 350 as I saw it at Graham Bakers business Autorama car and truck wreckers yard Blenham road Christchurch.Next owner was Steve Vigurs who finished it as his first osca race car who painted it yellow under his shop southside motor cycles.Then Ian Shrimpton of centre point car sales cnr moorhouse ave and Lincoln road who painted it yellow and blue.It went into storage then sold again to some one who put it on the road as last seen.
I think this blue capri was rebuilt by Chris Blackwood who sold it to Tony Mann
Jac Mac
02-19-2014, 07:43 PM
That's where a bit of the confusion starts, the car with SAFA on it in earlier posts is the ex Brent Bullivant capri from the NI which Graham Baker used in the early 80's.
02-19-2014, 09:07 PM
No Jac, Robbie Farrar never owned the Bullivant car. I remember that he converted the Capri he owned to LHD, because the laugh at the time was that the steering rack was just turned over, so that when the steering wheel went left, the road wheels turned right. As one Capri is now LHD, and the other RHD, I would assume that it is the ex Slade car that he converted.
Jac Mac
02-19-2014, 09:57 PM
No Jac, Robbie Farrar never owned the Bullivant car. I remember that he converted the Capri he owned to LHD, because the laugh at the time was that the steering rack was just turned over, so that when the steering wheel went left, the road wheels turned right. As one Capri is now LHD, and the other RHD, I would assume that it is the ex Slade car that he converted.
Yes your right Peter, but the point I was making is that this car with SAFA signwriting is driven by Baker & is the ex Bullivant Capri. Now next question?, is this the same car as the one with Brendan Addis livery in other post #64 pics? Wheel arch's appear to be same with extensions & same shape in sill area.
Rod Grimwood
02-19-2014, 10:32 PM
Yes Jac, That was in early life
Rod Grimwood
02-20-2014, 07:02 PM
Yes Jac, That was in early life
More info from Tony;
Chris blackwood purchased it from Mike Fitzgerald, ( Cardinal colours )
Chris painted it blue, sold it to Jim Bolt, Tony purchased it from Jim.
Camaroman's information is correct, all the same car
When this car was blue, 2 years ago, there was another OSCA Capri almost
the same colour, this Capri was the Avon Hyde ,Clyde Collins car.
Rod Grimwood
02-20-2014, 07:09 PM
2012 Ruapuna, this other 'blue' Capri (ex Hyde-Collins). Was little confusing 2 similar and same colour.
Jac Mac
02-20-2014, 07:36 PM
2012 Ruapuna, this other 'blue' Capri (ex Hyde-Collins). Was little confusing 2 similar and same colour.
Which is the Ryan, Kirk, Fisher, Elvy, Hyde/Collins, Cameron, Pulley, Mann car if I have got it right and probably more.
These Capris are definitely confusing and there were not that many cars, just multiples of owners, got over 5 a3 pages last night of OSCA cars & drivers & it will take a lot of help by the time I round up most of the 4 cyl stuff, Get started on it over weekend , still at least I will be able to edit the list.
02-20-2014, 07:49 PM
Cardinal colours from last weekend at Teretonga. Dale M
Rod Grimwood
02-21-2014, 01:51 AM
Which is the Ryan, Kirk, Fisher, Elvy, Hyde/Collins, Cameron, Pulley, Mann car if I have got it right and probably more.
These Capris are definitely confusing and there were not that many cars, just multiples of owners, got over 5 a3 pages last night of OSCA cars & drivers & it will take a lot of help by the time I round up most of the 4 cyl stuff, Get started on it over weekend , still at least I will be able to edit the list.
Tony's car is the original Kennedy car. I have some more photos from couple years back when both were at Ruapuna in blue.
The car in photo above no.43 is Ryan car (I think, this is confusing)
02-21-2014, 02:04 AM
Think that you will find the Rod Hayman now has the ex Frank Ryan Car
Rod Grimwood
02-21-2014, 02:17 AM
These from couple years back at Ruapuna. Note Tony Mann (ex Kennedy) in front and behind No.11 ex Ryan No. 43 parked in pits.
Also different nose and flares and Ex Ryan had silver added.
02-21-2014, 02:39 AM
So correct me if I am wrong, but the ex Jim Kennedy Capri is the oldest V8 Capri in NZ? my information was that it was built up for the 1973 OSCA season with a Falcon engine.
Jac Mac
02-21-2014, 03:46 AM
So correct me if I am wrong, but the ex Jim Kennedy Capri is the oldest V8 Capri in NZ? my information was that it was built up for the 1973 OSCA season with a Falcon engine.
Falcon engine as in 351 Cleveland, yes I think that's correct as Nick Slade has a few posts that suggest the car was less engine when his Dad Bob Slade first worked on it. Attached pic is one of several from Nick, also one of the Ryan car with early Cologne flares at its first meeting/Teretonga.
BTW before someone asks, Anglia is Arthur Jelly/3 litre V6 Ford powered.
Just wonder if we might be better to start a thread for each one of the Capri's rather than just the one?
02-21-2014, 04:09 AM
Depends on how you define 'oldest'. The ex Bruce Carey (in Aust), then Ian Munt Capri is older, but I think from memory it was 1974/5 before Ian brought it to NZ?
02-21-2014, 05:27 AM
Yes, I understand, that is why I defined it as NZ, someone may know when Jim Kennedy started building his Capri, it may even predate Bruce Carey/Ian Munts car in terms of start of build.
02-21-2014, 09:37 AM
Had a phone call today that informed me that Tony Mann has brought the ex Ryan car too.
If I remember correctly Jim Kennedys car was built in Timaru by Peter Wilson when he had the workshop in Barnard Street and it was finished off in Greymouth by Bob Homewood so that would place it about 72 or very early 73. Again trusting memory, Frank Ryan was still running the Twin Cam in 73 and his Capri arrived on the scene the following year.
02-21-2014, 11:07 AM
Yes, I understand, that is why I defined it as NZ, someone may know when Jim Kennedy started building his Capri, it may even predate Bruce Carey/Ian Munts car in terms of start of build.
I recall the Carey Capri V8 starting out as a "Sports Racing Closed' car in 1970/71.
Rod Grimwood
02-21-2014, 06:52 PM
Ok, heres an email that Tony sent and as Carlo mentions, Tony has ex Ryan car as well now.
This might make a good boys shed visit some day.
Car # 43 is Clyde Collins /Avon Hyde / Frank Ryan / Fisher / Elvy / and
others, blue with silver centre bonnet # 43. Fisher pictured in photo
#84 forum " OSCA database"
Car # 11 is Jim Kennedy / Slade/ Shrimpton / Vigurs / Fitzgerald / and
others, now cardinal colours
Purchased Kennedy car 8 years ago, purchased Collins car 6 months ago.
In shed Sidchrome imp, Roy Harrington imp, Alex Dickie Victor
Tony Mann
Steve Holmes
02-22-2014, 01:03 AM
I think some of the confusion over Tony Mann's #43 Capri relates to its current presentation. Because those beautiful old RS2600 style flares that it wore for so many years had become so tired, it was fitted with quite different flares in more recent years, hence it looks quite different to how it raced in period. Was it Don Elvy had did this? I vaguely recall emailing him about it years ago when he owned it.
02-22-2014, 01:51 AM
I think some of the confusion over Tony Mann's #43 Capri relates to its current presentation. Because those beautiful old RS2600 style flares that it wore for so many years had become so tired, it was fitted with quite different flares in more recent years, hence it looks quite different to how it raced in period. Was it Don Elvy had did this? I vaguely recall emailing him about it years ago when he owned it.
a previous owner Allan Pulley from Southland crashed the Car a few years back and to help out I lent him our moulds to get him going again, this probably doesn't help the confusion when identifying the various gaurds on all the capris but will explain the difference, cheers
Jac Mac
02-22-2014, 11:59 PM
Where does Rod Hayman fit into the Ryan>> car ownership?
camaroman slp
02-23-2014, 10:13 AM
:)I thought that Ken Heslin or his brother John owned the ex Don Elvy Capri and did some trick suspension work on it and painted it Black they raced the car for a couple of years then it was sold to someone in the deep south who was going to put a big block engine in it.They then brought the ex Eddie Fairburn Camaro from the USA. Then hand built a late model space framed Corvette both cars are still owned by them both I think.The Camaro is still seen at ruapuna from time to time. Great clever guys from Christchurch:)
It would be great to see or hear the were abouts of there black V8 Avenger and Viva as these were there entry to Osca racing. I first saw them at Wigram photos would be appreciated to complete the osca circle of cars :)
02-23-2014, 09:20 PM
Where does Rod Hayman fit into the Ryan>> car ownership?
Re Frank Ryans car, to the best of my knowledge Frank still owned it when Paul Kirk was using it before it was returned to the shed at St Bathans where it sat until it was sold to Clyde Collins for Avon Hyde to use then later it was sold to Fisher etc.
Rod Hayman was the last owner prior to Mann.
02-24-2014, 08:31 AM
:)I thought that Ken Heslin or his brother John owned the ex Don Elvy Capri and did some trick suspension work on it and painted it Black they raced the car for a couple of years then it was sold to someone in the deep south who was going to put a big block engine in it.They then brought the ex Eddie Fairburn Camaro from the USA. Then hand built a late model space framed Corvette both cars are still owned by them both I think.The Camaro is still seen at ruapuna from time to time. Great clever guys from Christchurch:)
It would be great to see or hear the were abouts of there black V8 Avenger and Viva as these were there entry to Osca racing. I first saw them at Wigram photos would be appreciated to complete the osca circle of cars :)
Hi, both Ken and John had cars. As above John ran the Capri after Elvy and yes painted it black and after a few seasons sold it down south to alan Pulley but never had big block fitted. He then built the corvette which has now been sold to Dion Prentice from Cromwell who is currently racing it. Ken on the other hand raced a Viva with sb chev and after that bought the Fairbairn Camaro which he still owns. Cheers
michael johnston
02-24-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi,Ken brought Mike Johnston first camaro . Frank Ryan brought the Fairbairn camaro .The v8 Avenger john had was mine as well
cheers Michael johnston Ashburton
02-25-2014, 09:33 AM
Hi,Ken brought Mike Johnston first camaro . Frank Ryan brought the Fairbairn camaro .The v8 Avenger john had was mine as well
cheers Michael johnston Ashburton
sorry Michael, Eddies old car went to Jason Ryan right?
Cheers Evan
bob homewood
02-26-2014, 12:58 AM
Had a phone call today that informed me that Tony Mann has brought the ex Ryan car too.
If I remember correctly Jim Kennedys car was built in Timaru by Peter Wilson when he had the workshop in Barnard Street and it was finished off in Greymouth by Bob Homewood so that would place it about 72 or very early 73. Again trusting memory, Frank Ryan was still running the Twin Cam in 73 and his Capri arrived on the scene the following year.
No Carl ,the Capri came from Nelson in late 1971 ,I returned a Rental car to Nelson and drove the Capri back to Grey ,where it was pulled apart and work started on it ,I think from memory the engine and front seats ended up with Wayne Moodie around that time ,I know I used the wheels and tyres on the Escort at Taylorville Hillclimb in 1971 ,the original plan was to use the 289 motor and gearbox that Paul Fahey had taken out and replaced with a 302 ,Jim however in his wisdom decided not to do that however and a new 351 was brought from Ford in Australia ,so its 1971 when it was started, out of interest I still have a lot of the Perana correspondence from Ford and Gunston from that time
02-28-2014, 11:05 AM
No Carl ,the Capri came from Nelson in late 1971 ,I returned a Rental car to Nelson and drove the Capri back to Grey ,where it was pulled apart and work started on it ,I think from memory the engine and front seats ended up with Wayne Moodie around that time ,I know I used the wheels and tyres on the Escort at Taylorville Hillclimb in 1971 ,the original plan was to use the 289 motor and gearbox that Paul Fahey had taken out and replaced with a 302 ,Jim however in his wisdom decided not to do that however and a new 351 was brought from Ford in Australia ,so its 1971 when it was started, out of interest I still have a lot of the Perana correspondence from Ford and Gunston from that time
So when did Pumpkin work on it, was that after you went back up north Bob.
02-28-2014, 11:06 AM
No Carl ,the Capri came from Nelson in late 1971 ,I returned a Rental car to Nelson and drove the Capri back to Grey ,where it was pulled apart and work started on it ,I think from memory the engine and front seats ended up with Wayne Moodie around that time ,I know I used the wheels and tyres on the Escort at Taylorville Hillclimb in 1971 ,the original plan was to use the 289 motor and gearbox that Paul Fahey had taken out and replaced with a 302 ,Jim however in his wisdom decided not to do that however and a new 351 was brought from Ford in Australia ,so its 1971 when it was started, out of interest I still have a lot of the Perana correspondence from Ford and Gunston from that time
So when did Pumpkin work on it, was that after you went back up north Bob.
Grant Sprague
03-01-2014, 07:42 AM
Carl... what year would that have been , very interesting can remember when Pete arrived at Barnard St you will remember the story ........... as time flies .......I was working up the rd a bit at Hepburns [ Don the boss ] they [Todd Group] helped Ernie & Leo into the VG 318 ....then the Chargers...all interconnected & great rememberence ........... geeeeee they were the days as a kid
Ian McAffer
04-27-2014, 07:46 AM
Hi Tony, I purchased the ex Norris Miles Capri RS2600 in 1978 and I have owned it ever since. It is currently undergoing a full ground up restoration. Ian
Another Capri that raced in NZ was the RS2600 that Norris Miles ran for a while. Anyone know what happened to it ?
04-27-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi Tony, I purchased the ex Norris Miles Capri RS2600 in 1978 and I have owned it ever since. It is currently undergoing a full ground up restoration. Ian
Hi Ian, are we going to see this rocket at the 2015 NZFMR????
Rod Grimwood
04-27-2014, 10:38 PM
Ian, some photos would be great.
04-30-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi Ian, Great that you could hold on to the car for so long. I echo Rod's comments and would like to see some photos of this car in whatever state it is currently in.
05-03-2014, 09:25 PM
Lovely to hear it is alive and almost well Ian. Ditto some shots of it.
05-18-2014, 04:46 AM
Any word on the Halliday replica build up?
07-06-2014, 09:58 PM
Huxford capri engine bay, late 80's
camaroman slp
12-07-2014, 10:14 AM
Wayne Huxford deserves top marks
For racing his capri south island & north
We would love to see lots of photos of it as wayne still owns it
It would be fantastic to see it mixing with Brendon addiss charger & Algies brothers Alfa & Monaro
I think it looked its best when it was painted bright Red with mothers car polishes signage
Its racing must have spanned a lot of years.
Any current photos of Wayne Huxfords Capri.
12-12-2014, 04:55 AM
Does anyone have a coloured photo of Paul Fahey's Cologne Capri in action. Would like to be able to post it on the HMC Facebook page as one of the famous cars that raced against the V8's in period.
John McKechnie
12-12-2014, 05:53 AM
Mike- Will check my Motorman covers.
Update- nothing in mine, though missing a few.
Also Camaroman slp- Graeme Addis had/ still has Cherger.
Brendon Addis was signage on Brent Bullivants Capri.
Also, have notified Wayne Huxford of Historic Sports Sedans revival,one day.....
and I was told that the car is still Mothers red.
12-12-2014, 06:19 AM
Found this photo in an old copy of the 'V8 International' magazine
12-12-2014, 06:23 AM
Here is a photo that I took of the Huxford Capri at Pukekohe back in the early 70's
I like the car better in this guise.
at least it looks like a capri, not like the previous photo
Milan Fistonic
01-03-2016, 08:01 AM
It's a Capri but not as we know it.
Michael Clark
01-03-2016, 08:20 AM
Crickey Milan - I have never seen that car before...or if I did, I have forgotten.
When? Who? and what was in it
Roger Dowding
01-03-2016, 08:30 AM
It's a Capri but not as we know it.
The Original Consul 315 came in Saloon and fastback versions with a 1340cc motor, enlarged from the Anglia it the saloon had that same back angled rear window, Ford did that to a Mercury in the US with a wind down central piece, air con on the cheap..
Rod Grimwood
01-03-2016, 08:55 AM
It's a Capri but not as we know it.
This car was built and raced by the gentleman in the photo and raced under 'Destitute Racing'. (just see it on screen). He originally raced in Taupo and was quick. It had Holden engine etc., sold car to Jennifer Mossman who was very quick in it as well and then Built the Viva ran for awhile then shifted south, believe he ran car at Ruapuna etc. A very clever engineer. He had his hair done in green the same as the viva, hard case. Caught up with him a couple of years back at Ruapuna and OSCA 40th night.
Steve Holmes
01-03-2016, 09:00 AM
Rod, your knowledge on these cars is immense! What was the Viva powered by? Does it still exist?
Rod Grimwood
01-03-2016, 09:15 AM
Had Chev 350 Steve, not sure on existence, will find out.
Hard case, had hair to match colour of cars and a safety pin in his ear. (this way before piercing)
He has a collection of steam engines and stationary gear that he has resurrected at his place over the Coast.
Good mate of Herbie who keeps an eye on the Mk2 Cortina in OSCA.
Les Laidlaw
01-03-2016, 11:04 AM
This car was built and raced by the gentleman in the photo and raced under 'Destitute Racing'. (just see it on screen). He originally raced in Taupo and was quick. It had Holden engine etc., sold car to Jennifer Mossman who was very quick in it as well and then Built the Viva ran for awhile then shifted south, believe he ran car at Ruapuna etc. A very clever engineer. He had his hair done in green the same as the viva, hard case. Caught up with him a couple of years back at Ruapuna and OSCA 40th night.
'JT' John Thornby I believe he used to work with Jamie Aislabie doing exhaust headers back in the day, quite a character all right, He and his mate Keith "Doon" Weir were Destitute Racing, both had 315 consuls
01-03-2016, 11:06 AM
This car was built and raced by the gentleman in the photo and raced under 'Destitute Racing'. (just see it on screen). He originally raced in Taupo and was quick. It had Holden engine etc., sold car to Jennifer Mossman who was very quick in it as well and then Built the Viva ran for awhile then shifted south, believe he ran car at Ruapuna etc. A very clever engineer. He had his hair done in green the same as the viva, hard case. Caught up with him a couple of years back at Ruapuna and OSCA 40th night.
then jennifer sold it to Phil (ACDC) rudd, Then graham clark in Tauranga. It was on trade me only 6 months ago.
Roger Dowding
01-03-2016, 11:30 AM
then jennifer sold it to Phil (ACDC) rudd, Then graham clark in Tauranga. It was on trade me only 6 months ago.
Well if the Phil got it probably gone - " up in smoke " or some other chemical.. lucky it went on to someone else ..
01-03-2016, 11:45 AM
315 Capri was a fastback two door and 315 Consul had an Anglia type back window in two and four door. E&OA
01-03-2016, 12:01 PM
John Thorby had a Rover V8 in the Viva, John Harcourt did a bit of work on it after JT moved to the SI. Post JT it ended up with the Heslin brothers who put in the Chev V8
01-03-2016, 03:37 PM
Found this......
Rod Grimwood
01-03-2016, 10:28 PM
Les that's him,
Bigbanger, You right, I was not sure when the chev went in.
Photo with "Bionic Dog' Rover, This on test day at Taupo.
good that people remember these things.
paul lancaster
01-06-2016, 07:06 AM
sorry Michael, Eddies old car went to Jason Ryan right?
Cheers Evan
Hi evan, all these capris on here, and no pics of your dads no 43, this car used to give me the shits when I was a kid, it used to move my innards when he drove through the pits, where is the car now , also I did some work on frank and jason ryans farm recently, jason still has the camaro, and frank still has his commodore, both parked up under covers in the shed.hope to see some pics of your dads capri, I remember when he had a big loose down the front straight at levels and ploughed into the marshalls big scraper tyre, doing considerable damage.
01-06-2016, 07:51 AM
You mean this one :-)
01-06-2016, 07:56 AM
or this version ?
01-06-2016, 08:13 AM
You mean this one :-)
You will notice the tow wagon of OSCA drivers choice in the backround. They all used old International ambulances. Sturdy, with lots of room in the back.
paul lancaster
01-06-2016, 08:56 AM
or this version ?
Thanks gokiwi, thats the beast, I mainly remember it when it was sponsored by exhaust systems, and later on waterbed world, and yes spinner32, I remember john osborne had an ol ambulance, also v8 powered.
01-08-2016, 04:13 AM
[QUOTE=Milan Fistonic;50759]It's a Capri but not as we know it.
I wonder if this is the same car when it was still road legal. Photograph from Baypark 1980
Roger Dowding
01-08-2016, 06:47 AM
[QUOTE=Milan Fistonic;50759]It's a Capri but not as we know it.
I wonder if this is the same car when it was still road legal. Photograph from Baypark 1980
Great photo Ross... great attitude on the car ..
paul lancaster
01-11-2016, 04:19 AM
Pierres car as it is currently, was white/blue/red originally, will be vastly improved with those wheels hopefully, the first set of SH Simmons were damn near square...:rolleyes:
Hi guys .seen this car at levels this weekend, pierre has sold it to andy lloyd
01-11-2016, 07:24 PM
Rod Grimwood
01-12-2016, 12:56 AM
They just get better Ross, thanks so much for sharing these magic photos.
Staunch car. Awesome shot. Thanks for posting BMCBOY
02-13-2016, 01:49 PM
02-15-2016, 09:48 AM
Whatever happened to the Huxford Capri? I assume its still around locked up somewhere?
08-10-2020, 03:32 AM
Another Capri that raced in NZ was the RS2600 that Norris Miles ran for a while. Anyone know what happened to it ?
Not sure if anyone has provided an update on this. The RS2600 was not an original car but built as a much the same way dad built his. Initially dad and Terry Holtham were only going to build the engine but ended up doing a lot more. This extended to becoming pit crew during the 1976 / 1977 GTX Series. Norris won his class and I believe came 2nd outright...with Inky Tulloch winning the series in the Camaro. The car ran a few events after this and then Norris sold the car and headed to the UK. He now resides in Melbourne and mum and dad caught up with him at Phillip Island. The car exists today...lower North Island. Check out the HSC / HMC Facebook page for a photo posted there today.
Anthony Sampson
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