View Full Version : Financial Support For The Roaring Season

03-11-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi All

Steve's recent email regarding the financial support being provided by SPR Models, got me thinking that I might be able to do something similar, but by offering photos instead of models. Problem here is that like the rest of you, when buying photos of old cars, it has to be just right. Right model, right colour, right driver, etc., etc.. Now, although I have the passion for older cars, I was not actually taking racing photos back in the good old days... just wasn't old enough. Instead, what I would be offering is photos of cars competing at some of the better historic meets, here and in the UK.

Not knowing if my photos are the sort of images people would be willing to actually pay for to have printed up, I thought I would put up a small selection of some more interesting images to gauge the level of interest. If the interest is there, then I will look into the matter further. If not, then all I have done is shown a few more photos.

Please let me know what you think.


Paul Tilley


03-11-2013, 06:57 PM
What a great idea. I would buy one of the top ones, but can you give an idea of price?

03-11-2013, 09:09 PM
What a great idea. I would buy one of the top ones, but can you give an idea of price?

Pricing is basically dependent on the size of the print. The following would be a rough guide:
A4 (12x8 or 10x8 if required)... $20
A3 (16x12, 16x10 or 15x10)... $40
A2 (24x16 or 20x16)... $80
A1 (32x24, 32x20 or 30x20)... $160

These would be proper photographic prints, on photographic paper, not cheap photocopies. Packaging and postage would be additional, but would be at cost.

To help out the Roaring Season, I would give Steve, 10% of the sales generated through the site.

BTW... if people could give me an idea of subject matter that they would be interested in - a specific car - I will check to see if I have a photo of it.



03-11-2013, 10:35 PM
A few more images to look at, all taken over in the UK.




Steve Holmes
03-11-2013, 10:42 PM
These are absolutely outstanding!

Michael Clark
03-12-2013, 07:18 PM
The difference between 'photographs' and 'snapshots' - stunning!

03-13-2013, 11:14 PM
The difference between 'photographs' and 'snapshots' - stunning!

Thank you Michael for your comment... although opportunity and being able to get to the right location, certainly do help in getting a good shot... not to mention some reasonable equipment and a little experience. ;)