View Full Version : F1 Grand Prix Photos For Sale

02-23-2013, 04:33 AM
I’m not the seller of the photos, just a satisfied customer.

The photos were taken by Daniele Amaduzzi who was an F1 photographer from the early ‘70s to 2000. He died about 10 years ago and his son Simone is selling the archive. Google the name and you can see he was pretty well known in the business.

The thing that’s a little different about this photo sale is that non-exclusive copyright is included in the price, so you can do what you like with the images, (even print them on T-Shirts).

As an indication on price I bought several original slides from 1983 for 18Euros each (NZ$28 each) plus 10Euros postage for the order. They arrived in just under 3 weeks from Italy. High resolution scans were also available for 16Euros. Payment was made via PayPal, and Simone converses in English so the deal couldn’t have been simpler.

I don’t have any experience in book publishing but I believe the cost to publish a copyright photo from one of the main archives is a lot more than NZ$28.

The archive is arranged by driver and year, so, as I was after Brabham BT52 photos, I asked for Piquet and Patrese from 1983. Simone sent me 475 low resolution (500kb) watermarked scans to view. Choosing what to buy wasn’t easy as the photography is exceptional.

Simone retains a high resolution scan (and shared copyright) of all the slides sold.

If you’re interested, he can be contacted at simone@simoneamaduzzi.com www.simoneamaduzzi.com